Flower Power Botanicals

31 votes| 2 reviews
1751.0 miles, Recreational, Medical, Storefront, ATM
Hours Today: 8:15 am - 6:50 pm Open
1308 Duff Drive , Fort Collins, CO, 80524

Operation Hours:

8:15 am - 6:50 pm
8:15 am - 6:50 pm
8:15 am - 6:50 pm
8:15 am - 6:50 pm
8:15 am - 6:50 pm
8:15 am - 6:50 pm
8:15 am - 6:50 pm

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I love this place. I'm a longtime pothead, and one of the first problems I encountered in Ft. Collins was, retail pot with THC levels too low. Many places either never had anything over 30% THC, or, carried it rarely tho it sold out quickly. These guys at FPB always have high THC pot; i.e., THC levels over 30%. The folks are friendy, helpful and knowledgeable.

Medical flower is the widest variety (20+ strains) in town. With their "botanical bucks" I get a sale strain oz for $104 with tax. Got some Emerald Jack yesterday and it was excellent.

Strains For Your Symptoms & Conditions
Migraines Marijuana StrainCramps Marijuana StrainPTSD Marijuana StrainChronic-Pain Marijuana StrainDepression Marijuana StrainArthritis Marijuana Strain
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