Very nice people, not really affordable but prices are dropping,
Minnesota Medical Solutions is a patient-centered group of Minnesota scientists, physicians and healthcare professionals who have built a comprehensive plan for medical cannabis patients in Minnesota. Our approach is to insert standard medical, scientific, business and operational principles into the medical cannabis industry, something that is still relatively rare for medical cannabis producers. MinnMed holds that it is important to partner with multiple national partners for each step of the cannabis-based medicine production process given the highly black and white and often myth-driven nature of the industry. Using these multiple points of data allows MinnMed to clearly define industry best practices and provide the floor from which we will jump, providing the patients of Minnesota the safest possible cannabis-based medicines.
Minnesota Medical Solutions is a patient-centered group of Minnesota scientists, physicians and healthcare professionals who have built a comprehensive plan for medical cannabis patients in Minnesota. Our approach is to insert standard medical, scientific, business and operational principles into the medical cannabis industry, something that is still relatively rare for medical cannabis producers. MinnMed holds that it is important to partner with multiple national partners for each step of the cannabis-based medicine production process given the highly black and white and often myth-driven nature of the industry. Using these multiple points of data allows MinnMed to clearly define industry best practices and provide the floor from which we will jump, providing the patients of Minnesota the safest possible cannabis-based medicines.
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