Illinois House Vote On Marijuana Decriminalization Measure Imminent
I received the following alert out of Illinois. Theres still time to contact your Representative to let them know that you support decriminalization:
The Illinois House of Representatives is expected to vote on decriminalization as early as tomorrow, and this may be your last chance to help ensure the bill will pass. While the measure was supported by a large majority in the Senate, support is weaker in the House, and we need your help!
Please take a moment to ask your representative to vote in support of SB 2228.
This bill would remove the possibility of arrest and jail for the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana and would lower the fine to between $100 and $200. It would also remove the possibility of a harmful criminal record for possession, which can last a lifetime. Finally, the bill significantly improves to the states current DUI law.
Advocates in Illinois have done an incredible job under difficult circumstances in working toward incremental improvement. Now is the time for one final push! SB 2228, sponsored by Rep. Kelly Cassidy in the House, is part of a multi-year effort to ...