Connecticut Senate Leader to File Marijuana Legalization Bill for 2017

HARTFORD, CT Governor Dannel Malloy may be on the fence when it comesto marijuana legalization, but one of the states most prominent lawmakers will push forConnecticut to join two nearby New England states in taxing and regulating sales of cannabis to adults.
Senate President Pro Tem Martin M. Looney(D-New Haven) pre-filed legislation for the upcoming 2017 legislative sessionto legalize, tax and regulate marijuana.
The bill was one of ten bills Looney pre-filed just before undergoingsurgery Tuesday.
The bills Sen. Looney filed represent his legislative priorities, Looneysspokesman, Adam Joseph, said Wednesday.
The bill would legalize the possession, use and sale of marijuana, taxing retail sales in the same manner as the state of Colorado.
Specifics of the bill have not been released, which is often the case withpre-filed bills that are typically concepts, not fully formed legislation. More information about the bill should come in January, when the new legislative session begins and the measure is formally introduced.
Polling has shown that Connecticutvoters support marijuana legalization, with 63 percent of voters supporting the idea in a March 2015 poll.
Connecticutbecame the 17th medical marijuana state in 2012, one year after lawmakersdecriminalized possessionwith the support of Gov. Dannel Malloy, who said that was as far as the state should go.
We decriminalized small amounts, but we didnt legalize. I think thats about as far as we go, Malloy saidtold CNN in 2014, adding thatit doesnt make sense to legalize marijuana ...