A Complete Guide to Cannabis Consuming Etiquette
January 11, 2020
A Complete Guide to Cannabis Consuming EtiquetteA Complete Guide to Cannabis Consuming EtiquetteA Complete Guide to Cannabis Consuming Etiquette
Emily Post was the queen of good manners in the U.S. There was a time when Americans needed some good breeding. A large part of our tribe originated in the fields of pioneer farms, the dust and dirt of th ...
Emily Post was the queen of good manners in the U.S. There was a time when Americans needed some good breeding. A large part of our tribe originated in the fields of pioneer farms, the ...
Top Cannabis Festivals in the U.S to Attend in Early 2020
January 07, 2020
Top Cannabis Festivals in the U.S to Attend in Early 2020Top Cannabis Festivals in the U.S to Attend in Early 2020Top Cannabis Festivals in the U.S to Attend in Early 2020
It drives me nuts. You want to plan your travel to 2020 cannabis festivals only to see “Dates not confirmed.” So, you may want to start with those having dates certain. You might also want to differentiat ...
It drives me nuts. You want to plan your travel to 2020 cannabis festivals only to see “Dates not confirmed.” So, you may want to start with those having dates certain. You might also ...
7 Pros of Buying Cannabis from a Online Dispensary – Convenience Is One of Them
January 05, 2020
7 Pros of Buying Cannabis from a Online Dispensary – Convenience Is One of Them7 Pros of Buying Cannabis from a Online Dispensary – Convenience Is...7 Pros of Buying Cannabis from a Online Dispensary – Convenience Is One of Them
Federal government prohibits the shipment of cannabis and its derivatives by the U.S. Postal Service and other common carriers at this time. And, even those states that have legalized use of medical and ...
Federal government prohibits the shipment of cannabis and its derivatives by the U.S. Postal Service and other common carriers at this time. And, even those states that have legalized ...
Is Cannabis a Magic Bullet?
December 31, 2019
Is Cannabis a Magic Bullet?Is Cannabis a Magic Bullet?Is Cannabis a Magic Bullet?
There’s plenty of hype promoting cannabis’ medical benefits. Some of the claims have caught the attention of the FDA, and the prospect of more regulation is discouraging. So, before you recommend cannabis ...
There’s plenty of hype promoting cannabis’ medical benefits. Some of the claims have caught the attention of the FDA, and the prospect of more regulation is discouraging. So, before yo ...
2020 Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Vaping Cannabis
December 27, 2019
2020 Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Vaping Cannabis2020 Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Vaping Cannabis2020 Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Vaping Cannabis
There exists, undoubtedly, a vast ocean of beginner’s guides for the vaping novice. But as time slips past us, and vaping continues its unstoppable ascent in popularity, it’s easy to assume that the vapi ...
There exists, undoubtedly, a vast ocean of beginner’s guides for the vaping novice. But as time slips past us, and vaping continues its unstoppable ascent in popularity, it’s easy to ...
How Cannabis Can Be Liberating
December 20, 2019
How Cannabis Can Be LiberatingHow Cannabis Can Be LiberatingHow Cannabis Can Be Liberating
Kush. Indo. Tical. You name it. Cannabis comes in many different forms, strains, and varieties; offering users many ways of enjoying it. Whether it is infused in chocolate muffins or manufactured into oil, ...
Kush. Indo. Tical. You name it. Cannabis comes in many different forms, strains, and varieties; offering users many ways of enjoying it. Whether it is infused in chocolate muffins or ma ...
Is Vaping or Smoking Cannabis Better for Your Health?
December 20, 2019
Is Vaping or Smoking Cannabis Better for Your Health?Is Vaping or Smoking Cannabis Better for Your Health?Is Vaping or Smoking Cannabis Better for Your Health?
“Better” is the operative work in the question: “Is vaping or smoking better cannabis better for your health?” If we’re talking safety here, we should defer to the data. With that in mind, we should start ...
“Better” is the operative work in the question: “Is vaping or smoking better cannabis better for your health?” If we’re talking safety here, we should defer to the data. With that in m ...
How to Host a Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party
December 18, 2019
How to Host a Cannabis-Infused Dinner PartyHow to Host a Cannabis-Infused Dinner PartyHow to Host a Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party
Holiday season, and it’s time to party! You still have time to plan a New Year’s Eve social event for friends of yours and the cannabis weed. A cannabis-infused dinner is a great opportunity to end one ye ...
Holiday season, and it’s time to party! You still have time to plan a New Year’s Eve social event for friends of yours and the cannabis weed. A cannabis-infused dinner is a great oppor ...
What Kind of Threat is Hemp CBD?
December 09, 2019
What Kind of Threat is Hemp CBD?What Kind of Threat is Hemp CBD?What Kind of Threat is Hemp CBD?
CBD products have found a huge market that could pose a threat to the marijuana economy. Cannabis contains CBD with all its proven and promised health benefits. As part of the marijuana experience, it com ...
CBD products have found a huge market that could pose a threat to the marijuana economy. Cannabis contains CBD with all its proven and promised health benefits. As part of the marijuan ...
How Hemp Flower Has Taken the CBD Market by Storm
December 06, 2019
How Hemp Flower Has Taken the CBD Market by StormHow Hemp Flower Has Taken the CBD Market by StormHow Hemp Flower Has Taken the CBD Market by Storm
Hemp belongs to the same botanical family (Cannabaceae) as the cannabis we know as marijuana. It is a form of cannabis sativa with extremely low traces of the THC that produces the high users seek in mari ...
Hemp belongs to the same botanical family (Cannabaceae) as the cannabis we know as marijuana. It is a form of cannabis sativa with extremely low traces of the THC that produces the hig ...
Cannabis Windfall: Where are the Numbers?
December 06, 2019
Cannabis Windfall: Where are the Numbers?Cannabis Windfall: Where are the Numbers?Cannabis Windfall: Where are the Numbers?
It’s still early in the legalized cannabis game to get the numbers right. Colorado and Washington have been at it long enough to provide some statistical modeling. But the California and Nevada numbers ar ...
It’s still early in the legalized cannabis game to get the numbers right. Colorado and Washington have been at it long enough to provide some statistical modeling. But the California a ...
Cannabis CBD: Treating Pets with Medical Benefits
December 04, 2019
Cannabis CBD: Treating Pets with Medical BenefitsCannabis CBD: Treating Pets with Medical BenefitsCannabis CBD: Treating Pets with Medical Benefits
People has been taking their dog by the leash in recent years to treat their symptoms with CBD. Without worries about the law or licensing and with no fear of negative effects, pet parents (mostly dog own ...
People has been taking their dog by the leash in recent years to treat their symptoms with CBD. Without worries about the law or licensing and with no fear of negative effects, pet par ...
Cannabis Nurses:  A Vital Resource for Seniors
November 28, 2019
Cannabis Nurses: A Vital Resource for SeniorsCannabis Nurses: A Vital Resource for SeniorsCannabis Nurses: A Vital Resource for Seniors
It just makes sense. Nurses are born caregivers. Helping others is their vocation and avocation. And, cannabis provides another weapon in the medical bags. Nurses specializing in cannabis care are multipl ...
It just makes sense. Nurses are born caregivers. Helping others is their vocation and avocation. And, cannabis provides another weapon in the medical bags. Nurses specializing in canna ...
11 Indoor Growing Essentials Beginner Growers Tend to Forget
November 04, 2019
11 Indoor Growing Essentials Beginner Growers Tend to Forget11 Indoor Growing Essentials Beginner Growers Tend to Forget11 Indoor Growing Essentials Beginner Growers Tend to Forget
Growing things need four elements: air, light, soil, and water. They also need an attentive gardener with a special interest in the plants’ potential. It’s true of cannabis, too. People have been growing ...
Growing things need four elements: air, light, soil, and water. They also need an attentive gardener with a special interest in the plants’ potential. It’s true of cannabis, too. Peop ...
10 Way to Save Money on Cannabis
November 01, 2019
10 Way to Save Money on Cannabis10 Way to Save Money on Cannabis10 Way to Save Money on Cannabis
Cannabis has never been cheap. Even the best black-market price before legalization was high (no pun intended). If the value to you is pound per dollar, there are no bargains. But if you measure things by ...
Cannabis has never been cheap. Even the best black-market price before legalization was high (no pun intended). If the value to you is pound per dollar, there are no bargains. But if y ...
10 Most Popular Cannabis Strains of 2019
October 25, 2019
10 Most Popular Cannabis Strains of 201910 Most Popular Cannabis Strains of 201910 Most Popular Cannabis Strains of 2019
We’re nine months into 2019, and they’re still bringing strains to market. Farms are multiplying and popping up in different parts of the country. Competition remains fierce in Colorado, Oregon, and Washi ...
We’re nine months into 2019, and they’re still bringing strains to market. Farms are multiplying and popping up in different parts of the country. Competition remains fierce in Colorad ...
Combining Cannabis and Alcohol for Pleasure
October 11, 2019
Combining Cannabis and Alcohol for PleasureCombining Cannabis and Alcohol for PleasureCombining Cannabis and Alcohol for Pleasure
People have used alcohol and cannabis together for centuries. I am not going to stop it here. Cannabis users will finish dinner with wine and a toke. They will pass a joint during a conversation and hit ...
People have used alcohol and cannabis together for centuries. I am not going to stop it here. Cannabis users will finish dinner with wine and a toke. They will pass a joint during a ...
3 Deliciously Drinkable Cannabis Recipes
October 02, 2019
3 Deliciously Drinkable Cannabis Recipes3 Deliciously Drinkable Cannabis Recipes3 Deliciously Drinkable Cannabis Recipes
If you’re looking for something different in cannabis edibles, something more exciting than a brownie or gummy, you might try drinkables cannabis. Blackweed Nation produces a mango-orange drink from orga ...
If you’re looking for something different in cannabis edibles, something more exciting than a brownie or gummy, you might try drinkables cannabis. Blackweed Nation produces a mango-or ...
3 Vegan-Friendly Cannabis Recipes You Should Check Out
September 28, 2019
3 Vegan-Friendly Cannabis Recipes You Should Check Out3 Vegan-Friendly Cannabis Recipes You Should Check Out3 Vegan-Friendly Cannabis Recipes You Should Check Out
There’s no way to get a fix on the number of vegans in the U.S. You hear a lot about it, and you probably know someone who identifies as “vegan.” But the statistics depend on self-identification surveys, ...
There’s no way to get a fix on the number of vegans in the U.S. You hear a lot about it, and you probably know someone who identifies as “vegan.” But the statistics depend on self-ide ...
6 Benefits of Using A Marijuana Delivery Service
September 26, 2019
6 Benefits of Using A Marijuana Delivery Service6 Benefits of Using A Marijuana Delivery Service6 Benefits of Using A Marijuana Delivery Service
At first thought, the idea of having cannabis delivered directly to your door might seem like a movie scene from Half Baked, but in 2019 the only thing more innovative than cannabis consumption itself, are ...
At first thought, the idea of having cannabis delivered directly to your door might seem like a movie scene from Half Baked, but in 2019 the only thing more innovative than cannabis con ...
Top 10 Cannabis THC Myths and Misconceptions
September 25, 2019
Top 10 Cannabis THC Myths and MisconceptionsTop 10 Cannabis THC Myths and MisconceptionsTop 10 Cannabis THC Myths and Misconceptions
THC is not the enemy. It’s a chemical component of plants in the cannabis family. The formula is described as trans-Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol or C21H30O2. It is more strongly present in some li ...
THC is not the enemy. It’s a chemical component of plants in the cannabis family. The formula is described as trans-Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol or C21H30O2. It is more strongl ...
10 Tips to Get the Most out of your Dispensary Visit
August 19, 2019
10 Tips to Get the Most out of your Dispensary Visit10 Tips to Get the Most out of your Dispensary Visit10 Tips to Get the Most out of your Dispensary Visit
No two cannabis dispensaries are the same. They come in all different sizes, with lots of different themes, and in many distinct locations. The increasing number of chain stores do have coordinated looks ...
No two cannabis dispensaries are the same. They come in all different sizes, with lots of different themes, and in many distinct locations. The increasing number of chain stores do ha ...
Why Cannabis Edibles are Creating a Buzz in the Food World?
August 15, 2019
Why Cannabis Edibles are Creating a Buzz in the Food World?Why Cannabis Edibles are Creating a Buzz in the Food World?Why Cannabis Edibles are Creating a Buzz in the Food World?
Cannabis edibles have created a buzz in the food world. That’s a good thing, and it’s a bad thing. Cannabis edibles, including candies, cookies, brownies, lollipops, and more, are made with cannabis strai ...
Cannabis edibles have created a buzz in the food world. That’s a good thing, and it’s a bad thing. Cannabis edibles, including candies, cookies, brownies, lollipops, and more, are made ...
Alleviate Your Dog's Anxiety with CBD Oil — A Must-read Guide
August 08, 2019
Alleviate Your Dog's Anxiety with CBD Oil — A Must-read GuideAlleviate Your Dog's Anxiety with CBD Oil — A Must-read GuideAlleviate Your Dog's Anxiety with CBD Oil — A Must-read Guide
I recently watched a 2-pound Terrier bark incessantly at a huge Mastiff. The mastiff couldn’t care less and stretched out to snooze. The terrier, of course, was just being a terrier. But it occurred to me ...
I recently watched a 2-pound Terrier bark incessantly at a huge Mastiff. The mastiff couldn’t care less and stretched out to snooze. The terrier, of course, was just being a terrier. B ...
What’s a Cannabis Break and How Long Should It Last?
July 22, 2019
What’s a Cannabis Break and How Long Should It Last?What’s a Cannabis Break and How Long Should It Last?What’s a Cannabis Break and How Long Should It Last?
This opinion will raise some hackles among the cannabis activists. But I am having increasing difficulty accepting the pitch that cannabis is not addictive. So many of the arguments rely on spurious disti ...
This opinion will raise some hackles among the cannabis activists. But I am having increasing difficulty accepting the pitch that cannabis is not addictive. So many of the arguments re ...
Cannabis Withdrawal Prevention and Treatment
July 18, 2019
Cannabis Withdrawal Prevention and TreatmentCannabis Withdrawal Prevention and TreatmentCannabis Withdrawal Prevention and Treatment
It all depends on you. Your gender, weight, height, age, diet, and more influence any withdrawal you may experience when stopping cannabis use. If you smoke or otherwise use lightly and infrequently, wit ...
It all depends on you. Your gender, weight, height, age, diet, and more influence any withdrawal you may experience when stopping cannabis use. If you smoke or otherwise use lightly a ...
Using Cannabis to Treat Autism: Does It Work?
July 14, 2019
Using Cannabis to Treat Autism: Does It Work?Using Cannabis to Treat Autism: Does It Work?Using Cannabis to Treat Autism: Does It Work?
The Autism Society explains, “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability; signs typically appear during early childhood and affect a person’s ability to communicate and interact ...
The Autism Society explains, “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability; signs typically appear during early childhood and affect a person’s ability to commu ...
There’s Money in Taking Cannabis Course in College
June 17, 2019
There’s Money in Taking Cannabis Course in CollegeThere’s Money in Taking Cannabis Course in CollegeThere’s Money in Taking Cannabis Course in College
Are students take cannabis in college? Oh, yes! Wait a minute, I said “taking” not “toking.” Thousands of students are now taking college courses focused on the continuum of canna ...
Are students take cannabis in college? Oh, yes! Wait a minute, I said “taking” not “toking.” Thousands of students are now taking college courses focused on th ...
Is It Legal to Buy Cannabis at a Dispensary for a Friend?
June 15, 2019
Is It Legal to Buy Cannabis at a Dispensary for a Friend?Is It Legal to Buy Cannabis at a Dispensary for a Friend?Is It Legal to Buy Cannabis at a Dispensary for a Friend?
Legal, shmeegal, people buy cannabis at a dispensary for a friend every day. Of course, that doesn’t make it legal. How legal is it to buy cannabis at a dispensary for someone else? If this worrie ...
Legal, shmeegal, people buy cannabis at a dispensary for a friend every day. Of course, that doesn’t make it legal. How legal is it to buy cannabis at a dispensary for someone ...
Are Cannabis Vape Pens Bad for Your Health?
June 07, 2019
Are Cannabis Vape Pens Bad for Your Health?Are Cannabis Vape Pens Bad for Your Health?Are Cannabis Vape Pens Bad for Your Health?
History may show the vape pen is not your friend. Vape pens have been heavily promoted as an alternative to cigarette smoking, a way to wean off tobacco smoking, and a way to use cannabis with convenience ...
History may show the vape pen is not your friend. Vape pens have been heavily promoted as an alternative to cigarette smoking, a way to wean off tobacco smoking, and a way to use canna ...