10 Highest Indica Cannabis Strains of 2021
July 08, 2021
10 Highest Indica Cannabis Strains of 202110 Highest Indica Cannabis Strains of 202110 Highest Indica Cannabis Strains of 2021
Halfway through 2021, we are still juggling the many Indica strains on the market, some classics and some new to the experience. Listing 10 highest Indica strains offer readers a take on what is out there ...
Halfway through 2021, we are still juggling the many Indica strains on the market, some classics and some new to the experience. Listing 10 highest Indica strains offer readers a take o ...
Does Cannabis Enhance Gut Health and Help Digestion?
June 11, 2021
Does Cannabis Enhance Gut Health and Help Digestion?Does Cannabis Enhance Gut Health and Help Digestion?Does Cannabis Enhance Gut Health and Help Digestion?
Cannabis users report that it can improve their digestion. The entire digestive system is one huge soft muscular system. Its rhythms move food through its different phases to nourish the body. Researchers ...
Cannabis users report that it can improve their digestion. The entire digestive system is one huge soft muscular system. Its rhythms move food through its different phases to nourish th ...
5 Easy Ways to Hide Your Cannabis Smoke
June 10, 2021
5 Easy Ways to Hide Your Cannabis Smoke5 Easy Ways to Hide Your Cannabis Smoke5 Easy Ways to Hide Your Cannabis Smoke
You can pick a cannabis strain with a sweet or fruity aroma. But, that won’t hide the smell of your ganga smoke. Cannabis smokers have tried forever to fool their parents and dorm assistants. But, cannab ...
You can pick a cannabis strain with a sweet or fruity aroma. But, that won’t hide the smell of your ganga smoke. Cannabis smokers have tried forever to fool their parents and dorm ass ...
Top 10 Cannabis CBD Treatments for Cats
June 08, 2021
Top 10 Cannabis CBD Treatments for CatsTop 10 Cannabis CBD Treatments for CatsTop 10 Cannabis CBD Treatments for Cats
Who knows the facts about cats? They attract because of their mystery and inscrutability. Who knows what they are thinking or if they care? Cat owners, however, notice differences in their pet cats’ behavi ...
Who knows the facts about cats? They attract because of their mystery and inscrutability. Who knows what they are thinking or if they care? Cat owners, however, notice differences in th ...
10 Ways Cannabis Can Make You Smarter
June 05, 2021
10 Ways Cannabis Can Make You Smarter10 Ways Cannabis Can Make You Smarter10 Ways Cannabis Can Make You Smarter
The stereotypical stoner is not the brightest star in the firmament. Shaggy hair enveloped in smoke and bent over the gaming keyboard, the user has no interest in anything else. But, the image may not be ...
The stereotypical stoner is not the brightest star in the firmament. Shaggy hair enveloped in smoke and bent over the gaming keyboard, the user has no interest in anything else. But, ...
The Beginner's Guide to Cannabis for Pain
May 24, 2021
The Beginner's Guide to Cannabis for PainThe Beginner's Guide to Cannabis for PainThe Beginner's Guide to Cannabis for Pain
Too many people suffer too much pain for too long.  Wyatt Redd of Fibromyalgia Healing, says, “In America, for instance, 1 in every 10 people suffers from some kind of chronic pain.” Neither aspirin or i ...
Too many people suffer too much pain for too long.  Wyatt Redd of Fibromyalgia Healing, says, “In America, for instance, 1 in every 10 people suffers from some kind of chronic pain.” ...
5 Ways to Make Edibles Get You High Faster
May 20, 2021
5 Ways to Make Edibles Get You High Faster5 Ways to Make Edibles Get You High Faster5 Ways to Make Edibles Get You High Faster
Cannabis edibles present an unusual challenge. Edibles come in such abundance, variety, and potency that a reasonable person would be cautious in their use. Some are just so tasty that you will want to pop ...
Cannabis edibles present an unusual challenge. Edibles come in such abundance, variety, and potency that a reasonable person would be cautious in their use. Some are just so tasty that ...
Four Reasons Cannabis Make You Hungry
May 12, 2021
Four Reasons Cannabis Make You HungryFour Reasons Cannabis Make You HungryFour Reasons Cannabis Make You Hungry
People get the munchies after using cannabis. Over the years, they have put a lot of money into Frito-Lay®, makers of Cheetos®, Fritos®, Doritos®, and other snacks. Burger King®, White Castle®, and Dairy Q ...
People get the munchies after using cannabis. Over the years, they have put a lot of money into Frito-Lay®, makers of Cheetos®, Fritos®, Doritos®, and other snacks. Burger King®, White ...
Everything You Want to Know about Cannabis Shake
May 06, 2021
Everything You Want to Know about Cannabis ShakeEverything You Want to Know about Cannabis ShakeEverything You Want to Know about Cannabis Shake
Cannabis shake? You will not find cannabis shake at Sonic or Dairy Queen. There is nothing new about cannabis shake. However, in this crazy cannabis culture, it has increased consumer interest and changed ...
Cannabis shake? You will not find cannabis shake at Sonic or Dairy Queen. There is nothing new about cannabis shake. However, in this crazy cannabis culture, it has increased consumer i ...
Benefits and Uses of Cannabis Hemp
April 26, 2021
Benefits and Uses of Cannabis HempBenefits and Uses of Cannabis HempBenefits and Uses of Cannabis Hemp
Hemp may be the oldest continuing useful plant in the creation we know. It heads the botanical family of Cannabacae, a family that includes the species Cannabis sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis rude ...
Hemp may be the oldest continuing useful plant in the creation we know. It heads the botanical family of Cannabacae, a family that includes the species Cannabis sativa, Cannabis Indic ...
10 Frequently Asked Questions about Cannabis CBD
April 22, 2021
10 Frequently Asked Questions about Cannabis CBD10 Frequently Asked Questions about Cannabis CBD10 Frequently Asked Questions about Cannabis CBD
Cannabis CBD! What is it? Does it work? How do I know? And so it goes. Cannabis CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the two major cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. THC (∆9-Tetrahydrocannabinol) triggers ...
Cannabis CBD! What is it? Does it work? How do I know? And so it goes. Cannabis CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the two major cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. THC (∆9-Tetrahydroc ...
How to Vape Cannabis Safely
April 15, 2021
How to Vape Cannabis SafelyHow to Vape Cannabis SafelyHow to Vape Cannabis Safely
Inhaling anything “artificial” can affect your lungs. That goes for smoking and vaping cannabis. It also goes for inhaling allergens, pollutants, and toxins in the “natural” environment. Your lungs are se ...
Inhaling anything “artificial” can affect your lungs. That goes for smoking and vaping cannabis. It also goes for inhaling allergens, pollutants, and toxins in the “natural” environmen ...
10 Strains You Must Try in 2021
April 02, 2021
10 Strains You Must Try in 202110 Strains You Must Try in 202110 Strains You Must Try in 2021
Hundreds of new strains have hit the market. Expanding legalization is creating new demand for novelty, potency, and benefits both medicinal and recreational. Among the many strains appearing and/or gainin ...
Hundreds of new strains have hit the market. Expanding legalization is creating new demand for novelty, potency, and benefits both medicinal and recreational. Among the many strains app ...
Does Smoking Cannabis Cause Lung Damage?
March 31, 2021
Does Smoking Cannabis Cause Lung Damage?Does Smoking Cannabis Cause Lung Damage?Does Smoking Cannabis Cause Lung Damage?
Smoking anything will damage your lungs. It means inhaling something other than oxygen when the human anatomy would prefer not. The question may be “how much does cannabis cause lung disease?” The lungs ...
Smoking anything will damage your lungs. It means inhaling something other than oxygen when the human anatomy would prefer not. The question may be “how much does cannabis cause lung ...
CBD Oil and Cannabis Oil Explained
March 29, 2021
CBD Oil and Cannabis Oil ExplainedCBD Oil and Cannabis Oil ExplainedCBD Oil and Cannabis Oil Explained
CBD oil is available just about everywhere. You’ll find it in medical marijuana and recreational dispensaries, of course. But, you might see it in drug stores, farmers’ markets, spas, hair dressers, and ev ...
CBD oil is available just about everywhere. You’ll find it in medical marijuana and recreational dispensaries, of course. But, you might see it in drug stores, farmers’ markets, spas, h ...
10 Cannabis Strains to Look Out For in 2021
March 01, 2021
10 Cannabis Strains to Look Out For in 202110 Cannabis Strains to Look Out For in 202110 Cannabis Strains to Look Out For in 2021
People who use cannabis with some regularity always look forward to something new. New strains hit the white and black markets every year. They multiply to create and meet market demand. The potential for ...
People who use cannabis with some regularity always look forward to something new. New strains hit the white and black markets every year. They multiply to create and meet market demand ...
The Beginner’s Guide to Buying Cannabis Online
February 08, 2021
The Beginner’s Guide to Buying Cannabis Online The Beginner’s Guide to Buying Cannabis Online The Beginner’s Guide to Buying Cannabis Online
North America is no stranger to taking a leading role in cultural revolutions. When it comes to demystifying and taking a pragmatic approach to weed, Canada and the USA are once again the nations that are ...
North America is no stranger to taking a leading role in cultural revolutions. When it comes to demystifying and taking a pragmatic approach to weed, Canada and the USA are once again t ...
The Dos and Don’ts of Electricity for Cannabis Grow Rooms
February 04, 2021
The Dos and Don’ts of Electricity for Cannabis Grow RoomsThe Dos and Don’ts of Electricity for Cannabis Grow RoomsThe Dos and Don’ts of Electricity for Cannabis Grow Rooms
Most beginners think that growing a few plants in a spare room or closet is just a matter of plugging in a few lights and fans into an outlet. However, indoor cannabis seeds growing is an “industrial” ende ...
Most beginners think that growing a few plants in a spare room or closet is just a matter of plugging in a few lights and fans into an outlet. However, indoor cannabis seeds growing is ...
Everything you Need to Know About Cannabis CBD
January 18, 2021
Everything you Need to Know About Cannabis CBDEverything you Need to Know About Cannabis CBDEverything you Need to Know About Cannabis CBD
The United States Senate is likely to block the passage of The MORE Act forwarded by the House of Representatives on December 8, 2020. The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act (MORE Act ...
The United States Senate is likely to block the passage of The MORE Act forwarded by the House of Representatives on December 8, 2020. The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expun ...
How Cannabis Influences Sleep
January 13, 2021
How Cannabis Influences SleepHow Cannabis Influences SleepHow Cannabis Influences Sleep
Is cannabis the Sandman’s pest or pal? Cannabis may help you fall asleep, or it may keep you up. The Worse scenario is that it disturbs the sleep you have. If cannabis is helping or harming your sleep patt ...
Is cannabis the Sandman’s pest or pal? Cannabis may help you fall asleep, or it may keep you up. The Worse scenario is that it disturbs the sleep you have. If cannabis is helping or har ...
10 Best CBD Strains for a Relaxing Session
January 11, 2021
10 Best CBD Strains for a Relaxing Session10 Best CBD Strains for a Relaxing Session10 Best CBD Strains for a Relaxing Session
This holiday season arrives with baggage like no other. It has been quite a year with event after event triggering an uncertain future. Among other things, the COVID-19 pandemic has left millions dead, ill ...
This holiday season arrives with baggage like no other. It has been quite a year with event after event triggering an uncertain future. Among other things, the COVID-19 pandemic has lef ...
What to Expect When You Smoke Cannabis the First Time
January 07, 2021
What to Expect When You Smoke Cannabis the First TimeWhat to Expect When You Smoke Cannabis the First TimeWhat to Expect When You Smoke Cannabis the First Time
My cousin introduced me to smoking cannabis. A few puffs into it, and I said that I didn’t feel high. He said, “You’re high, alright!” I asked how he could tell, and he said, “because you won’t shut the %& ...
My cousin introduced me to smoking cannabis. A few puffs into it, and I said that I didn’t feel high. He said, “You’re high, alright!” I asked how he could tell, and he said, “because y ...
10 Strongest Auto-flowering Cannabis Strains
January 03, 2021
10 Strongest Auto-flowering Cannabis Strains10 Strongest Auto-flowering Cannabis Strains10 Strongest Auto-flowering Cannabis Strains
Auto-flowering cannabis strains originated in cannabis ruderalis, as opposed to cannabis sativa or cannabis Indica. That makes them survivalists because they have evolved amidst the harshest of conditions. ...
Auto-flowering cannabis strains originated in cannabis ruderalis, as opposed to cannabis sativa or cannabis Indica. That makes them survivalists because they have evolved amidst the har ...
Increase Metabolism: Using Cannabis CBD for Weight Loss?
December 02, 2020
Increase Metabolism: Using Cannabis CBD for Weight Loss?Increase Metabolism: Using Cannabis CBD for Weight Loss?Increase Metabolism: Using Cannabis CBD for Weight Loss?
People have not turned to cannabis to lose weight. The stereotypical cannabis stoner is a long-haired plug of a guy fixed to a gaming console. If he or she is thin, it is because of inadequate attention to ...
People have not turned to cannabis to lose weight. The stereotypical cannabis stoner is a long-haired plug of a guy fixed to a gaming console. If he or she is thin, it is because of ina ...
Uncontrollable Body Shakes After Consuming Cannabis Explain
November 27, 2020
Uncontrollable Body Shakes After Consuming Cannabis ExplainUncontrollable Body Shakes After Consuming Cannabis ExplainUncontrollable Body Shakes After Consuming Cannabis Explain
Cannabis is not for everyone. Reactions vary uniquely from user to users. Reactions depend on hundreds of interacting factors. Many are external like where, when, and how you use cannabis as well as with w ...
Cannabis is not for everyone. Reactions vary uniquely from user to users. Reactions depend on hundreds of interacting factors. Many are external like where, when, and how you use cannab ...
Beginner’s Guide to Pack and Smoke Cannabis Bowl
November 11, 2020
Beginner’s Guide to Pack and Smoke Cannabis BowlBeginner’s Guide to Pack and Smoke Cannabis BowlBeginner’s Guide to Pack and Smoke Cannabis Bowl
Watch enough movies and stream enough television series, and you would believe the only way people use cannabis involves smoking joints, spliffs, or blunts. However, there are options. One old school way t ...
Watch enough movies and stream enough television series, and you would believe the only way people use cannabis involves smoking joints, spliffs, or blunts. However, there are options. ...
What are the Strongest Cannabis Strains in 2020-2021?
November 03, 2020
What are the Strongest Cannabis Strains in 2020-2021?What are the Strongest Cannabis Strains in 2020-2021?What are the Strongest Cannabis Strains in 2020-2021?
It could be the anxiety, stress, and depression produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, but cannabis users are still searching for high potency strains. One problem lies in accessibility. Despite the increased ...
It could be the anxiety, stress, and depression produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, but cannabis users are still searching for high potency strains. One problem lies in accessibility. De ...
Does CBD Counteract THC's Psychoactive Effect?
October 20, 2020
Does CBD Counteract THC's Psychoactive Effect?Does CBD Counteract THC's Psychoactive Effect?Does CBD Counteract THC's Psychoactive Effect?
CBD does counteract THC. How does it do it? Why should you care? Answers can help you select and enjoy cannabis strain and administrative mode. Get back to basics! CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetra ) are th ...
CBD does counteract THC. How does it do it? Why should you care? Answers can help you select and enjoy cannabis strain and administrative mode. Get back to basics! CBD (cannabidiol) and ...
What Does CBD Oil Do for Pain?
October 14, 2020
What Does CBD Oil Do for Pain?What Does CBD Oil Do for Pain?What Does CBD Oil Do for Pain?
Here's a story. There is a small old-fashioned drug store in my little town. I was in there recently when an older woman was discussing CBD oil with the registered pharmacist. The women said it helped redu ...
Here's a story. There is a small old-fashioned drug store in my little town. I was in there recently when an older woman was discussing CBD oil with the registered pharmacist. The women ...
The Pros and Cons of Vape Pens Explained
October 09, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Vape Pens ExplainedThe Pros and Cons of Vape Pens ExplainedThe Pros and Cons of Vape Pens Explained
Vape pens are everywhere you look and smell. Visit a college, and you will see the vapor lifting, twisting, and floating on the air. You can assume those students are using vapers for pleasure, to satisfy ...
Vape pens are everywhere you look and smell. Visit a college, and you will see the vapor lifting, twisting, and floating on the air. You can assume those students are using vapers for p ...