8 Tips for Mixing Different Cannabis Strains Together

My first inclination is to ask, “Why would you mix different cannabis strains?” Then I find that people do it every day. The most reasonable answer is you would mix strains left over. That way you avoid the expense of waste.
However, others want to perk up their high by adding in something more potent than usual. Still, others are looking for some imagined “perfect” high. And some just want a change of pace.
In any case, veteran cannabis users mix strains frequently. They do it often enough to provide some tips on how to do it effectively.
8 Tips for mixing different cannabis strains together:
Have a goal. It helps if you know what you want out of the mix. For one, if you want a more fragrant and flavorful blend, you should choose strains with terpenes and flavonoids that complement each other. For another, if you want a higher-impact high or deeper relaxation, you want to choose your Sativas, Indicas, or Hybrids after a little research on their makeup. If you expect to create your own hybrid mix, you want to know what THC and CBD measures you are blending.
Picture the results. All cannabis elements exert some biochemical influence. Some strains offer more medicinal therapy than others while others put the recreation in “high.” These strains developed over centuries of evolution or decades in a laboratory, so you will not replicate or accelerate the breeding with one simple mixture.
Know what you are doing. Once you have a clear goal in mind, you must admit that precisely finding the right balance of elements can be challenging. The stuff is too expensive to just throw together. It takes some research to identify the THC: CBD ratio of the strains at hand and to understand that “mixing” means more than just “adding to.” You cannot afford to try and fail.
Pick a good base. You start with a base strain to which you will add others. The base strain will be one-third to one-half of your mixed product. So, you should start with a base known for its long-lasting buzz.
Opt for a High CBD strains like Charlotte’s Web, Halley’s Comet, or ACDC. The CBD content is a low cerebral base you can build upon.
Start with high THC like Blue Dream, Granddaddy Purple, or OG Kush.
Check the terpenes. Most regulated cannabis states do not require producers to report terpenes on the labels. But they are crucial to the taste and aroma sensations you are after. It is a bit like pairing food and wine. You, for instance, to increase the citrusy qualities in your experience, or you may want to counter the diesel, earthy, or skunky qualities. It takes a little research to connect those flavors and smells with the strains under consideration. For example, if you are dealing with hybrids, they may already have some chemistry underway.
Some creative users have recommended mixing:
- White Cheese and Lemon Kush
- Blue Dream and Cheese
- Durban Poison and Girl Scout Cookies
- Purple Trainwreck with White Widow
- Blueberry and White Cheese
- Blueberry, Bubblegum, and Trainwreck
Dig deeper. There is more to research. In addition to THC and CBD, cannabis includes cannabinoids like CBG, CBC , and THCV.
CBG or cannabigerol is a “parent” cannabinoid from which others develop. It is the subject of research for its effects on inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), involuntary movement disorders (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease), and anxiety and panic disorders.
CBC or cannabichromene contributes to cannabis “entourage effect” binding as it does with receptors to reduce inflammation and pain.
THCV or tetrahydrocannabivarin triggers a psychoactive high only in heavy doses. In low doses, it offsets the THC activity. The implication is that you can use it to balance or spike your mixture.
Start small. Mixing old stuff risks taking in mildew and stale flavors and dried cannabinoids. If you just throw some scraps, kief, and sticks in your grinder, you will not get what you paid for. At the start, you should only mix a small stash. You do not need much more than one joint or bowl to find out if it works for you. You grind the base strain to a texture you are comfortable with and add the grind from another select strain in about a 60: 30 blend.
Keep it local. You should try your mix at home and/or with others. It could turn out all wrong producing negative effects and/or aftereffects. You should also start small and work yourself up. You do not want to up the dose on something new and unknown. The taste might not be right. The high may be too low, and the sedation may be too strong or weak.
An afterthought –
At the best, this has been about an amateur mix. This is meant for veteran users looking for a change and willing to put the time and effort into doing so. It is one way to dispose of unused weed and debris, but it can be a way of enhancing your cannabis experience.
However, amateurs would be smarter to realize that they do not have the expertise, tools, and environment in which to breed their own hybrids. You might consider an alternative in growing plants for different strains together where they might pollinate each other. With some close monitoring, considerable research, and organic soils and pesticides, you might breed your perfect mix over time.