Blue Dream: The History of the Most Popular Cannabis Strain

Cannabis strains have developed over some centuries. They come to market as natural events or with human intervention. And, Blue Dream has evolved to become one of the most popular strains in the world.
Birds, bees, and winds carry pollen from one plant to another in the natural way of things. As the pollen disburses, it sustains the life and DNA of specific species. Sometimes, however, the same pollen contacts a receptor plant creating an anomaly that develops a subspecies or variation on the contributing plant.
Under managed conditions, farmers have — since the origin of agriculture and certainly since the work of Gregor Mendel (1865-66) — worked with the manipulation of plant genes. This opened the window to strengthening agricultural crops for longer life, richer flavor and color, and pest resistance.
And, cannabis presents with one root in each tradition. Cannabis has grown for thousands of years sometimes under the most hostile climate and soil conditions. To the extent, any cannabis strain can be traced to its origins in the plains and mountainous regions of what now call Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indi, it is labeled “landrace.”
Coincidental with this history, farmers have developed hemp products providing fiber and food to the world. The plant fibers are used in paper, fabrics, rope, and thousands of consumer products. The seeds and oils have a proven and anecdotal history of nourishing and medically beneficial outcomes.
Over those thousands of years, cannabis growers found demand increasing for various scents, flavors, and medical benefits from users seeking psychoactive experiences and varied medical properties. It’s against this background that Blue Dream was “invented.”
Origin unknown
Breeders hope to copyright or patent developments. But Blue Dream came from Northern California, and we don’t know much more than that. One thing’s for sure; Blue Dream comes with what everyone wants.
Easy to grow and delivering berry tastes and aromas, it has just enough balance between euphoria and calm. The Sativa-dominant hybrid (60%: 40%) has 17% to a potent 24% with 2% CBD and 1% CBN. Blue Dream combines genes and values from DJ Short’s Blueberry and Super Silver Haze strains for a commonly preferred balance of brain and body stimulation.
What it does for you!
Blue Dream patrons report a fast-hitting cerebral uplift, a creative and focused high that permits consumption before and during work. The head hit is followed by a mellow melt leaving you warm and numb.
The effects have proven ideal for patients with anxiety and mild depression, chronic pain, chronic stress, insomnia or other sleep disorders, and muscular pain.
How it grows!
Blue Dream grows outdoors in most moderate climates and even more easily indoors.
- Growth: The biggest problem growing indoors is the plant can reach 6-foot. The height and consequent weight require support for trunk and branches. And, this staking calls for metal stakes and rope. At the end of 60 days, you’ll transfer the plant to a 5-gallon container. So, the height and container size need a sizable grow room and regular pruning.
- Pests: Pests like Blue Dream, too. Bunnies, deer, raccoons, and other varmints will destroy an unprotected crop outdoors. Sunlight, fungus, red spider mites also do damage even if they take a little longer. Fortunately, there are commercial, natural, and organic measures you can use to defend your crop.
- Feeding: Blue Dream likes eating well. Breeders add Mycorrhizae when seeding. This fungus searches for nutrients in the plant medium. Another grower uses a mixture of liquid seaweed and molasses in reverse osmosis water for a totally organic feed. But unlike other cannabis strains, Blue Dream seems especially fond of Nitrogen so you should be generous.
- pH: Maintaining the soil’s proper pH level (6.0-7.0) allows nutrients to do their job. You must invest in a pH indicator and chemical regulators to add with water.
- Flowering: It takes 9 to 10 weeks for Blue Dream to flower. Under the right lighting, temperature, and humidity, the THC-heavy trichomes will appear on the buds.
- Lighting: Lighting’s no problem if you grow outdoors. But growing Blue Dream indoors requires fussy lighting. You should allow 16 to 24 hours of light for seedlings (18 to 24 for clones). However, when in their vegetative stage, Blue Dream plants need an 18-6 hours lighting schedule. This changes to 12-12 when flowering.
- Humidity: Growers must create a Mediterranean climate for Blue Dream. It expects you to adjust temperature and humidity throughout its growth. It prefers more water and higher humidity through flowering.
So, you want to keep the temp between 72°F and 78°F with 30 to 50 percent humidity increased to 55 percent in a few weeks. Once the flowering starts, you will lower the humidity 5 percent each week until you are between 30 to 40 percent and boost the heat to 80° to 85°F over the same period.
The passion for Blue Dream remains strong in California and its reputation precedes it into the multiplying legalized markets. Consumers clamor for its moderate experience and effects. And growers find it an easy and productive crop.
Leading trends!
Blue Dream also appears in an increasing number of breeding strains: Blue Dream Haze, Blueberry Dream, Dark Blue Dream, Mendo Blue Dream, Blue Dream La Vie, Beyond Blue Dream, Tahoe Blue Dream, and more. They vary in potency and effects while continuing the berry taste and aroma. You can try them all over time and still come back to Blue Dream.