Women's Cannabis Organizations

Women's Cannabis Organizations
Within the cannabis industry, there are many budding opportunities for those who wish to take advantage of them. It is not often that a brand new industry comes to be, and people, particularly women, are taking full advantage of the abundant opportunities that are available. Women are starting to dominate the cannabis industry according to Newsweek and other sources . According to the 10/12/15 Marijuana Business Daily, women currently hold 36 percent of executive level positions in the cannabis industry. Women own media outlets, are managers and founders of dispensaries, leaders of the testing industry and have a strong presence in many other areas of the industry. There are also many organizations that are dedicated to helping women cultivate leadership in the cannabis policy area. Let's take a moment to look at several of the female-oriented organizations that are impacting the industry and legalization efforts.


The International Women's Cannabis Coalition (IWCC) was founded in hopes of bringing women together to end cannabis prohibition across the globe. Similar to the role how women played in ending alcohol prohibition back in the 1930s, they hope that women can do the same in helping to end cannabis prohibition. Their main focus is bringing women together to educate their local communities about cannabis and to work with local governments in helping to reform and change the laws surrounding cannabis.

Founders and Location Chapters

The organization was founded by women for women and is run by women, but they welcome every individual that is willing to help in the fight for legalization. There are chapters of the International Women's Cannabis Coalition around the world. You can find them in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Philippines and throughout the United States. The founders of IWCC include Candice Junkin, Cheri Shaw, and Diane-Marie Jensen.

Changing Cannabis Laws through Education and Involvement

The chapter leaders and members of the IWCC are involved with their local government representatives and work to organize local events throughout their communities. These events are to raise awareness of the harm that prohibition is causing. Through education and community involvement they hope to change the viewpoints on cannabis around the globe and help to pass laws that will put an end to the prohibition on cannabis once and for all.


Moms for Marijuana International (MMI) is a grassroots organization that is fighting for education and awareness surrounding the medical use of cannabis as well as the harm that prohibition does to everyone. Moms for Marijuana includes parents and other citizens taking a stand for cannabis. Their goals and mission are to promote and increase education while spreading awareness about the truths of cannabis. Ultimately they hope to spark educated conversations within their local communities surrounding cannabis that will lead to legalization and the end of persecuting parents based on consuming a natural plant.

Their Strength is in Family

MMI's goals are accomplished through social networking sites, public educational meetings, awareness rallies, literature, flyers and more. They work together with other pro-cannabis activist organizations in helping to repeal and reform the laws surrounding cannabis around the globe. Their focus is on the harm that prohibition does to families. There are too many lives that are touched negatively by the prohibition including husbands, wives, mothers, fathers and, most importantly, children.

Protecting Their Children and the Future - It’s Just What Moms Do

It is an outrage that a child cannot get taken away from a parent because they drink alcohol, but they can if the parent chooses cannabis instead. Moms for Marijuana is dedicated to ending prohibition so that when a parent chooses cannabis to relax or to medicate, they can do so without fear of their child being taken away. They fight to end prohibition so that our planet and our children can have a brighter and better future.


Women Grow was founded in Denver, Colorado in 2014. They are a for-profit organization that is dedicated to educating, inspiring, empowering and connecting women within the cannabis industry. Through special programs, community involvement, and organized events they hope to help aspiring, and current business executives cultivate a strong network with one another and grow to be successful. The founders of Women Grow are Jazmin Hupp and Jane West. Some of the founding team members of Women Grow include leaders from businesses such as Cannlabs, Weedmaps, Cannadvisors, Julie's Natural Edibles and Rachel K. Gillette attorney at law to name just a few. Find out more in the link above.

Networking is Crucial

Everyone knows that no matter what industry you are involved with it is important to network with other like-minded individuals within the same industry. Women Grow offers many different events to their members that allow for the cultivation of business relations and friendships alike. Their events include local social events and other larger national speaking circuits where professionals can connect with some of the leaders in the legal marijuana industry today to name a few.

Education is Key

Staying educated to the legalities and other aspects surrounding cannabis in the United States can be challenging. For business owners in the industry being educated is crucial. Women Grow offers continuing education to their members through educational symposiums and Women Grow Speakers Bureau events. Combining educational events with networking opportunities provides the perfect opportunity for knowledge sharing with other business professionals in the industry.

The Chapters of Women Grow

Currently these are the chapters of Women Grow across the United States: Alaska, Arizona, Washington, DC, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington State. There are also eight chapters in the state of California, three chapters within Colorado, two chapters in Oregon and two chapters in Texas. Women Grow is proud to say that they are the largest national network of cannabis professionals that hold monthly events for women and men alike currently in 33 cities across the United States and Canada.

Women Grow recently launched an online Membership Directory to further connect diverse industry leaders. The directory provides a national platform for businesses that are aligned with Women Grow's values of inclusivity, fairness, and sustainability.

Green is the New Pink

There is no doubt that women are a powerful force in the cannabis. Through great organizations such as these women are gaining strength within the cannabis industry by connecting with other likeminded and passionate women in the cannabis culture. By empowering each other and sharing knowledge, their businesses and ideas will grow to be successful. Through connecting with the communities and promoting education they are helping lead the green revolution towards legalization!