A very very very relaxing strain. I know every bodies endocannabinoid system processes cannabinoids differently. This strain for me hit hard and relaxing yet I definitely don't feel too tired. Most indica make me very tired but this one seems to not being doing so. The taste on exhale reminds me of Robitussin. Not sure if anyone else agrees or remembers the taste of Robitussin but that's my only complaint and that's very minor. Definitely a psychedelic strain because it has Black domina strain in its lineage and from my understanding strains that grow black and usually are thus given a name with black in it tend to be more psychedelic. Sadly this isn't a Ruderalis but it's definitely one I would recommend for someone using cannabis as a medicine.
Hybrid - 50% Sativa /50% Indica
THC: 26%
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Blackberry Reviews
Blackberry Reviews
My favorite strain! The taste the smell the look and the buzz are all amazing
This has been a really a great strain for me ! I use it in the morning . Wake up , make coffee , sit on my balcony and watch the birds. Almost immediately after smoking this I am ready for my day! It helps me focus , help me during this time of quarantine it helps with depression and help with think of good creative things to do with my family while being safe in the house . It gives me a natural pick me up . This is definitely one I would like to continue smoking daily 🙂
I really liked blackberry n the fact it only took a small amount to help my bad back nerve pain, on top of Chronic anxiety! Loved the fruity taste .. looking at all the purple hair n pretty crystals all over it , you just know it's going to be a good one .. love that you get both a indica n a stativa in one! 😄
I just tasted the smoke from Blackberry and it has a hint of the earthy Colombian taste. I love that earthy taste and the batch is 31% THCa. But I'm still waiting for the high to come on. A big negative is the leftover ashes after burning the flower. This particular batch wasn't properly cured. It's another high THC strain but in reality it doesn't produce a high commensurate with the THC level. It's tastes nice.
Good smoke. It actually tastes & smell like blackberries. Strong smoke flavor. Good smoke. 4 🌟 rating is high it's really like a 3.75 worthy..I'll deff get it again but maybe later down the road
Blackberry is one of those buds that you either get great flavor or great buzz, but both together is harder to find. I’ve always enjoyed the Blackberry buzz though. This batch was one of the best I’ve had. The fruity earthy flavor was smooth and not overpowering. No cough. I reapeat no cough. Soooo I keep smoking until I’m stupid. The buzz hits the head first, but subtle. And then the magic happens. Your whole body gets light and lazy. I call this either a night time smoke or rainy day smoke, not because it’s sedative, but you will be lazy. Great for relaxing and chilling. Not great for active days🤪
I just purchased this Strain In a dispensary In Maryland It has 32.12% THC Total. Its Pungent Smell and densely packed crystal covered flowers let you know its gonna be good but DAMN it's really a number 1 in my book...
I love this Strain been using it for a couple months now for pain and anxiety, and it has been tested around 26% THC where I have found it, some people don't realize that a really good grower can hit those numbers better than someone new who only got 16 THC from the same strain and seeds.
I have 6 diseases that i combat at 57 yrs old.Blackberry does some wonderful things for me it controls most or i would say 90 to 95% of the pain.Without getting stoned out of my mind.Actually it runs around 26 % that i purchase.I just take a couple of puffs on my vape about every hour or so on the bad days when weather is going bonkers or changing real dramatically .i Highly Recommend Blackberry for fibromialgia suffers arthritis bad back pain ,restless leg syndrome.Sleep apnea patients who have trouble sleeping.Medicinemandotis has it and many other pain releiving flowers.