Great for stress free evenings, made me a bit tired but not bad! I even had a lil energy and got some things done, it helped me and I have ADHD. Very euphoric high and hit me really quickly. Terps are top notch bit peppery for me but I enjoyed the taste overall. My nugs were dark with really pretty orange hairs.
Hybrid - 50% Sativa /50% Indica
THC: 17% - 27%
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Cherry Fritter Reviews
Cherry Fritter Reviews
Great strain love the smell lil pepper note witch i like, but more sweet then anything of berry like notes. Fresh baked had it at 33% 39% in all, Im more about the terps then Thc, usually high Thc smells less imho. This batch smelt strong and Thc was their all around fire great uplifting high.
Depression,🤔 Stress? 🤔 Sold... Meets the description... Worthy packaging. If this had more tHc, then we would be talking WonderBrett level.. You achieve heavy hitter status when you bring taste and effect together. This is a good med - strong strain with A level potential. Add THC... get the A...🍒🍏 taste great!
Stress and Depression... I'll take it. Does what the description says. I got a 26%er.. tHc matters, after Wonderbrett... they bring it. It's kind of easy to nail taste, however If you can pair taste with effect - you've got a product worth having. The same dollar can always find worse.. there's so much good herb out there.