Strong earthy pungent scent.hits smooth
Hybrid - 50% Sativa /50% Indica
THC: 30%
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Purple Elephant Reviews
Purple Elephant Reviews
Very nice strain, starts slow but after a few minutes it hits !!! Its good at anytime of the day, makes me chatty, its uplifting and i find myself more creative. Nice head / body mix
Pretty cool good shirt after smoke is was ok but a minute later totally hit up pretty kool 😍
I'm generally not one to review but this strain is outstanding. Love the flavor. Very smooth smoke. Defies don't cough don't get off rule. Love the peppery after note.
Love it taste great good smell nice break up dense nugs as well cured perfect
I have severe ptsd and i love this strain. I love the aroma it has a hard aromas that sting the nostrils. Its not a mama's boy strain for beginners or women sorry ladies. The flavor is something like a good bourbon it is an acquired taste one i find outstanding. The big and main. Reason is the effect on ptsd its relaxing and i appreciate that.100% buy this anytime. Excellent bud
My new favorite. Curbs my anxiety and makes me livid.
This is awesome, been internalizing my anxiety all day and i finally feel refreshed and calmed from this. Defiantly will have to research this more. New favorite strain for me
My favorite strain to tranquilize and stop the chaos of the mind. It's awesome for panic panic attacks.