Excellent, excellent, excellent! This will kick your ass, I mean, you don't need much. Which also makes it so you're not going through too fast! Sativa-heavy blend. Creative, won't sleep.
Hybrid - 50% Sativa /50% Indica
THC: 26%
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Sour Maui Reviews
Sour Maui Reviews
I purchased one quarter ounce of Sour Maui at a dispensary in Glendale, CO on October 25 of 2016. The psychoactive although not the physical characteristics of the strain I purchased vary somewhat from those described above although, and, I emphasize, may represent an outlier or rogue batch, if you will. For starters, the container assigns a THC concentration of 27.76%, significantly above even the high end of averages (15-26%) cited in the strain info.The height and length of the Sour Maui high reigns supreme amongst the various blends sampled since Colorado legalization. Unfortunately it also, at least in my experience, makes one a bit dysfunctional, exemplified by my abject inability to make a simple spaghetti sauce last night and incurring the ire of my wife. Whatever the claims of allowing "motivation and purpose" I found the high to be too intense to place "motivation and purpose" to good use. It definitely uplifts and transforms the universe in which you ordinarily dwell. You become incompetent and "stupid," although the experience is wonderful as long as you are shouldering no responsibilities for the interim. All told, this pot rivals in strength the finest and "most fun" I have historically sampled. 5 STARS out of 5.