The Captain does not disappoint. A great strain that always leads to a good mood that washes away the day's worries. It hits you hard right between the eyes with a jolt of joy, just as the description says, and then leaves you pretty couch locked. The cerebral effects have borderline narcotic effects as well, which can be a lot of fun in the right setting. Also, when I've smoked the Captain with others, it has led to some pretty comical circular conversations.
Indica Dominant Hybrid - 70% Indica / 30% Sativa
THC: 18% - 19%
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Captain's Cake Reviews
Captain's Cake Reviews
every time i smoke captains cake I feel like its my first time getting high. its an amazing high. best strain ever.
This is truly the best strain I’ve ever smoked. The high is like your first high ever (in the best way)- very goofy and giggly without giving you a zombie-like stoned feeling. The perfect hybrid. No anxiety and doesn’t make you too sleepy. My friends and I have the funniest time when we smoke this. Definitely something to try if you ever get the chance. Can’t recommend it enough.
This is the best strain eeeeeevvver. It hits the front of your mind and it makes u in to a you wanna stay busy. Toke it at night before bed and feel it come over your body like a fog...dope strain definitely my #1
I have never found the same strain twice anywhere. So I'm left to select something similar. Bluetooth was out of stock so the clerk suggested the Captain. Not a very sticky nub yet the fragrance had the woodsy earthy, grape-fruity pine that I like. Very mild easy smoke. At first I thought it was a lightweight until it rang true to its promise: A little bit goes a long way if you want to stay focused and active while being relaxed and energetic. Any more than that, and it's couch lock for sure. So if you want one or two hits to start the day fine. Otherwise I'd recommend this one for night/bed time for sure. 18% THC is quite adequate to say the least. But for daytime, I'd try something else. This is a good one for the budget as it should last a while.
One of the most amazing medical strains in MD. In fact all of them are amazing. All but the MD 20/20!!!
Nice flower, obtained at my local dispensary. Yummy after taste, nice appeal.. Nice for simply relaxing, chilling. Nothing to heavy about this nugg.
One of my faves for evening & night use. Here in MD, the THC for Captain's runs high, over 30% ☺️ I have several different medical issues, including PTSD & spinal nerve pain. The good Captain gives me some excellent relief across the board, very happy, relaxed & social. Very tasty smoke in every way, the effect and the flavour. If you need a solid evening or all day bud if you need to limit yourself to one strain, Captain's Cake is perfect.
Simiar effects for me as Grand Daddy Purple-A must have in the rotation. Great pain eradicator and happiness provider. Capt;s. Cake is GREAT med. and rec. grass. Effects last well after the Vaping. Nice comfortable head -blanket effect the next day.