I have been consuming Pennywise for several years and I have also grown it twice. You won’t get a major high from this strain but more of a gentle buzz and calming body effect. It is a bit short acting smoking as flower with about 5 hours effectiveness in edible form. The low THC level, 1:1 ratio, and entourage effect is mild enough that a newbie should handle it easily. Can induce sleepiness taken in higher doses. Great medical strain that mellows you out as it eases pain. Might be disappointing for those looking for a moon launch.
Indica Dominant Hybrid - 70% Indica / 30% Sativa
THC: 9% - 10%, CBD: 10%
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Pennywise Reviews
Pennywise Reviews
Have purchased this many times. Great strain that produces pleasant calm feelings and a mild high with moderate use. Heavier use can lead to sleepiness. I am impressed that all of the strains I have had from different growers e been quite consistent Highly recommended.
Very strong pine aftertaste, which for me is a slight con. Very uplifting, but did also give a slight high feeling. Overall it was a great stress reliever while still allowing me to focus on daily tasks. I just wish it tasted better.
Definitely My favorite strain. This is a smoke for a day/night of relief, not necessarily fun. Its skunk and pungent smell are why I bought it, and the CBD content was the highlight. Definitely worth every "penny".
This is how it makes me feel: The sunset will soothe And cool out the smooth summer sky ~ oh yeah
I don't know they got the idea that it produces paranoia. Quite the opposite. Relaxing. Removed pain quickly. Best strain for pain, nausea stress, PTSD. Also no cottonmouth. Maybe they hadn't tried it before reviewing??
I get zero paranoia from Pennywise. The opposite is true: relaxed, pain free, mind wide awake and alert. The key is dosage. A tiny amount will do a lot. I vape an amount the size of the "O" on your keyboard (ha, made you look) and it's amazing what it does for me pain-wise. I can always do more an hour or two later if I want that great pain free ride to go on. I have tried about 15 strains so far and this is one of my top 3, possibly even my favorite.
A very nice smoke and flavor, since I have not been a consumer until age 66 & am now almost 68. Just what the doctor ordered for all those aches & pains while not being harsh. These 1 to 1 THC to CBD strains are a very nice gentle choices for those not wanting a big "high". Relaxing, & pain relieving & glad I have grown this as you don't always find it available. GC
I have suffered with lower arthritic back pain for 4 years. I lost 32 pounds, exercise every morning for 30 minutes, 7 exercises for lower back pain and managed to control it. Lately nothing seemed to help so I was at the point of having my family doctor recommend a spinal specialist to me. My daughter said to me: "Mom, we have a medicinal plant for pain at our house". Well the more I thought about it I thought, why not? So to speak in proper terms "I took 2 tokes off a doobie" about 3 hours ago. At first I was a little dizzy and paranoid but after about 15 minutes a mild euphoria came over me and I am still a little high and my back pain is still completely gone.
Wonderful balance of clarity, arthritic pain relief, and a sense of well being. No paranoia, which I worry about cause of PTSD. Lighter high than most other strains. Pure joy of presence.