Pink tuna is a creeper that will slowly ease your mind of any anxious or stressful thoughts. You will feel a tingle through the body releasing any tightness in the muscles and body. If you suffer back pain this is your strain! In no time you will be couch locked with no escape! Ps. Stock up on munchies 😎✌🏼
Indica Dominant Hybrid - 70% Indica / 30% Sativa
THC: 25% - 31%
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Pink Tuna Reviews
Pink Tuna Reviews
My absolute favorite strain. Rolls over you slowly like a tank. It's a creeper, sets in 10 mins after smoking joint. Earthy, spicy, fruity. Do not recommend for day time especially if you have shit to do. I find any grade of pink tuna will fck me up but the AAA will look and taste better. Don't smoke this if your drunk, you'll be fcked.
Pink tuna Kush is an awesome strain it tastes amazing it smells so good the taste is a spicy dank flavour and the high hits you right between the eyes in a euphoric kind of way as it’s travelling to your body you’ll feel the buzz go from your head all the way down to your body making you relaxed and feeling good the taste is absolutely wonderful and has the same Dank spicy taste as the smell. The High is Pretty Potent So Newbies Beware Great For Anxiety Stress PTSD A.D.D Insomnia Racing Thoughts Honestly one of the best buds I’ve had all year!
Pink tuna is the only weed strain that has ever made me anxious. Found it very harsh and coughed the whole j. I felt anxiety and unsettled. Followed it up with a different strain and felt fine again. Bizarre experience.
Thick gas and pretty strong and calming yet uses pink by keeping u awake as its sibling not as sedating as black tuna(strongest one I tried) so pink tuna is the like the one so far for giving you a strong enough indica yet can be used daytime for medium to advanced tokers especially. Tastes pleasant and pinky... A heavy butt plus exciting. One of my favorite.
Pink tuna is a heavy hitter. This strain is for everyday users. Getting a headache from weed means it's moldy. Any strain that's moldy will give you a headache. Either way... you're a rookie. Don't be a rookie and come talking like a pro... you look like a schmo.
I'm blazing a pink tuna blunt now. I super enjoy this strain. I cough ALOT, and pink dont make you cough at all, plus you get retarded high. Then it pulls you back down and you chill laid out. Very nice buds, very nice weed.
Very strong, hits like a truck. Great body high. Not for beginners
Im blazing pink tuna kush right now very relaxing euphoric high no headache gtfoh you must be smoking some trash pink tuna bro taste pretty sweet too taste the pink kush mostly has a really strong flavour
This strain is definitely not for occasional smokers. I find it very relaxing and very strong. I find it helps with my menstrual cramps, my arthritis, and carpal tunnel. I have NOT found that it gives me headaches, I find it helps my headaches.