Sweeties is great for mind numbing but can be a downer as well as a medical tool for sleep...but it lacks the euphoria other strains have for recreational use, although the genetics seem amazing.
Indica Dominant Hybrid - 60% Indica / 40% Sativa
THC: 22% - 24%, CBD: 2%
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Sweeties Reviews
Sweeties Reviews
Just wanted to say happy 420 to everyone . So all of the weed shops had discounts today. I picked up an ounce of Sweeties for $100, 27.8% THC. One hit got me totally wasted. And the taste lives up to its name. It tastes like sweet candy. They describe it as honey like I can see that. To me it tastes like sweet toffee. The buds are small but they're all smoke, no lumber. Here's a picture of the whole ounce
Hms in Maryland just put out a special batch not because of the 30 percent the it’s testing at as another human here commented but I got it at curaleaf in Gaithersburg near lake forest since curaleaf is the hms storefront now but anyways none of that matters It’s available at plenty dispensaries if you look for it but this is why it’s special this batch has just under 3 percent terps. Just like the fire batch of strawberry og that was just out super terpy as well. HMS has a tendency to produce some super terpy batches sometimes that’s why I always check their online menu constantly I only shop at stores that actually present their products terpene test results on their online menu many dispensaries don’t tell you shit about terps online so I just don’t even shop at those places. The sweeties is rich in limonene and linalool with limonene at .61 percent and linalool at .44 percent and Myrcene is at .52 , alpha pinene is .11 , beta pinene is .17 , interestingly though even though Leafly claims this as a caryophyllene dominant strain its only got .19 this batch and lastly a terpene I almost NEVER see is Fenchol and it’s got a fair bit at .21 Sam Afgan out
I use my weed to make wax extracts, and Sweeties #4 obtained at a MD dispensary (Curaleaf at Gaithersburg, Airpark) has consistently been yielding an unbelievable 30%.
This review is right on point I got this shatter today and it definitely made me hungry it made me a little bit happy a little bit relaxed and took away some nausea so definitely correct on the information for this strain I was hoping it would help with sleeping a little bit more but oh well it's very good for afternoon even morning use but it's not putting me to sleep like I wanted it to LOL