Had this strain a few years ago and LOVED it. Very strong orange flavors and really gets the creative juices flowing. I've been looking all over Nevada for this strain again and still can't find it :( P.s. Don't get this strain if you don't love orange.
Sativa Dominant Hybrid - 75% Sativa / 25% Indica
THC: 25%
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Agent Orange Reviews
Agent Orange Reviews
Great orange and skunk taste that lingers. Very uplifting mellow effect. Also triggers creative thinking and motivation. Finishes off with a subtle relaxation that is not too overpowering, great for creative tasks without stress.
If you like the taste of oranges the flavor is very pronounced. I would recommend for Stress and pain, perfect for relaxing with friends. Can make anxiety worse, woul recommend trying a couple hits at first.
420GG has this about once a year and it’s imo one of the best Sativa hybrids out there. Trying it as a beginner smoker and experienced it has great benefits for both. It’s an uplifting strain I like for daytime, or before hiking, fishing etc.. Tastes great. Definitely recommend, 5g nugget in my last Oz too from them! 👍🏻
Nice clean strain. Taste good and someone said Brainy high. That’s a good description if you are heading to a social event this is definitely a go to. I dabbed this as a wax.
waiting on my first ever bag of it right now. i can't wait
very weak. makes me want to sleep immediately! Nasty orange taste.. Dont like..
That last reviewer must've got a hold of a bad batch because I found this strain to be one of the better sativa's available. Smooth smell and toke,nice buzz for a morning up-and-go. Great for a get together with friends...all around nice strain. Only (small) downside being length of buzz is fairly short but otherwise A+
Really steady, long-lasting brain high - along with a nice touch of muscle tension relief. Buds are a thing of beauty and don't really induce coughing at all. Great taste, not as much orange as others described, but a great scent, taste. Nice thing about this bud is that it is fairly neutral - meaning it does not make you a couch potato, nor does it inspire you to clean the house. It is smooth.
A very good sativa strain, these buds are quite zesty & sweet in smell & produce a high head high as well as a great body relaxation. I am not a huge fan of Sativa dominate strains, but this is by far one of my favorites. The buds are quite orange / brown in color & are highly packed in trichomes
Smells so good, high is even better
I am still learning when to use this one. For me, it comes on quickly, and it even makes me a bit groggy for a short time, but then things smooth out and I actually feel energized. Smells and tastes great. If you are looking for a milder Sativa, give this one a try
So, I vaped this strain at 91% plus THC. Sometime ago I bought a gram of 99.99% THCa and it was a very clean purging of the cerebellum, that left you mentally and emotionally invigorated and ready for anything. Intense compromise of short term memory, while being visually fixated on whatever. This is truly “earth to major Tong” kinda stuff. I usually take one second hits of Marley natural, But this strain can easily boast of exceptional potency, And outstanding smokability with up to 4 second hits with no lung wrenching....low expandability, great taste, and fantastic buck for your bang
Such a clear headed high for me. Great for afternoon.
Agent orange was an herbicide, not a pesticide. A defoliating agent specifically. As far as the strain the most common reference I've heard from people is that it's one of their favorites even though it only tests out in the mid teens. I've never heard of it getting anywhere near 25%. All of that said, I have a pack of agent orange and 4 other TGA strains in the fridge that I'm looking forward to starting. I've already grown 4 other TGA strains from seed and I'm a huge fan. I haven't actually experienced Agent O yet so my 5☆ review is based on others comments and my experience with all of other TGA strains I've grown from clone and seed.
smells like spicy oranges after i grind it . nice beautfiul buds , light green , little hazey notes as well. i love the agent! been smoking this strain for the past 6 months and i still really enjoy it. i like to dank early in the day and this stuff is bomb.
Good Stuff. I really enjoy the high!
Best orange strain I have tasted to date, very citrusy aroma and great orange citrus taste. The buds are very dense wth lots of red/Orange hairs, Very smooth in toking deep hits, and leaves you in nice energetic upbeat mood for hours. Can't wait to find this prized strain again.
One of my top favorites
how much should you pay for a g of agent orange
Fu and uplifting hi!!
Love this strain. Very stimulating.
stimulating high, it will put the brain in the clouds
Got this at Old Toby in Chehalis, WA. See pictures and detailed reviews on my blog the Aging Ent's Tastings -- Brand: Bondi Farms Strain: Agent Orange Sativa -- Potency Analysis: TTL 19% THC 0. 21% CBD 0. 47% THCA 17% -- Cost: $15/gram -- This stuff is outstanding. I think this is my favorite weed I've ever smoked. -- It is so orange. The smell, the taste is as orange as it gets. The hairs are dark, clustered and thick - very dark orange and super light green buds. Inhale is sweet, exhale (especially through the nose) is just tons of flavor. The clouds smelled orangey too, to outside observers. Super fresh buds. -- This sativa is amazing for all those sativa things - and has a high CBD count.
Agent Orange Hello....This zesty little bud had a nice citrus smell. A mild earthy spice smoke, leaving me feeling creative and energized :) :D. This is a good bud for if someone needs an extra high in being creative!
Gorgeous Dense buds, citrus orange and skunky funkiness to them. Uplifting mood enhancer which eases the creative juices from flowing.
Agent Orange is for sure uplifting and provides body relief.