I just started using a Lemon G Tincture called IREST from Terrapin. I use it to combat severe lower back arthritis as well as diabetic neuropathy. It is magic. It eliminates the pain and doesn't make me feel any "Couch-lock." It is a very mellow feeling, but I feel very present and normal.
Sativa Dominant Hybrid - 70% Sativa / 30% Indica
THC: 23%
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Lemon G Reviews
Lemon G Reviews
I just started using medical marijuana to stop using narcotic pain meds. I've tried about 4 different strains and my dispensary just Got in the Lemon G strain in 20mg tablet form. I also suffer from migraines and this high cbd strains is absolutely amazing..it is a bit strong but it's worth dealing with the potentsy for the great medical use. If you have cronic pain or migraines, def give it a try
There are two cuts of Lemon G. The true cut tastes and smells more like lemon zest. It always tastes the same. The so called cincy cut is the one that smells like pinesol more of a strong lemon oil. I heard this is allegedly actually a pheno of love potion
This strain is not pine-sol at all like the other lemon strains out there. It tastes and smells the same.... like you force fed a cat lemon heads for 8 weeks then it pissed on your face. It is definitely not indica dominant. I dont think the original reviewer has ever had real lemon G. The original has been around Ohio for atleast the past 15yrs if not longer and Its clone only.
Lemon g is grown all over North Central Ohio...love when harvest time comes this is always the first strain I go looking to buy....been here for years....taste is amazing when you get good organic OUTDOOR and properly flushed lemon g
Not an accurate description of the real Ohio Lemon G at all from my experience. The real stuff tastes exactly like it smells and, if grown well, even the last hit tastes good. It's like eating lemon heads candy. Doesn't seem indicate dominate either...longer somewhat lanky plants with extended flowers that can take10+ weeks to finish.