Loud Marijuana Strain

Sativa Strain Sativa

THC: 26% - 28%

Loud, also more commonly known a "Loud Dream" to most of the cannabis community, is a 100% pure sativa strain created by breeders at the infamous Loud Seeds farms as a potent backcross of the insanely popular Blue Dream strain. The Loud bud is infamous among the cannabis and non-cannabis using communities for being a legal Colorado-based top-shelf weed that is being sold on the black market throughout the United States for up to $800 an ounce. This dank bud boasts an intensely high THC level ranging from 26-28% on average and a myriad of potent sativa effects. Users describe the Loud high as having an almost immediate extremely uplifting cerebral head high with intense waves of creative energy. This burst of energy and euphoria is accompanied by powerful mind and body relief and a potent warming body buzz that spreads from the head and neck throughout the rest of the body. Due to these potent effects, Loud is said to be an ideal strain for treating patients suffering from conditions such as chronic stress or anxiety, chronic pain due to injury or illness, mild to moderate cases of depression, and chronic inflammation. This bud has an aroma and taste of spicy tropical citrus and dense medium-sized forest green nugs with patches of bright neon green and dark orange hairs.
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This is some really good stuff....only need a little here and there, motivates makes you want put some good music on and get stuff done. Think I found my favorite strain!

Consumption Method: JointsEffects I Feel: Focus, Happy, MotivationHelp Me With: Arthritis, Fatigue, Inflammation

I never knew what it was; I thought it was just like the medical marijuana I buy but I got this (2 grams for $15) and it is very good, smells good, tastes good and u don't need much to get that "up" feeling. I had to quit getting the MM because most of what I was getting was Indica and I am too old for that. I need something keep me going, not make me feel all loopy and tired all the time. Plus I had to buy in huge quantity of this stuff cuz you didn't get much by the gram. This deal was much better, save money and still get a nice high with that alertness and creativity all at once.

I had never heard of Loud before having heard of it from a cannabis-pharmacist. Now it’s my go-to strain. The feeling of ‘wellness’ kicks in within two minutes. The actual high, maybe 10 minutes. It’s a top-notch high (as if Bipolar mania mania isn’t enough!) but I also found that I achieved found that, 1) it helped my pain, and, 2) it dissolved my slight feelings of depression. I, too, am 70-years-of-age, a little ovwe a 50-year-long smoker. Us old guys just Love Loud! And, like my same-aged friend, I too, got off the opioids (never an addict, just felt like a criminal) and onto the Loud and have never looked back.

Lmao even the bud these days is mean? Nah they're just way more potent and intense.

Great Anti-iinflammatory; clearer thinking n stress reliever

I have been smoking weed for fifty years and know the difference. I found the high very good. I know that the best product of this year and last was Guerrilla glue. The high I have now experienced from Loud is as good if not better. I am 70 years young with serious pain issues and this has helped. Better than the 21 months on oxycodone for pain from the VA. Not on opiates now! Va had a good program to slowly get me off the opiates.Just a beat up vet. Tom Emmons

I smoked a blunt of this dank shit and it got me high almost instantly.I ended up tripping of this stuff actually.

I experienced this strain for the first time just yesterday. The feeling I had was not pleasant. As I researched this strain, I found several different offerings of product. Varied from a simply named 'Loud' product, to a 'Loud Dream', etc. etc. The genetics varied a little. The THC listed @ 26 -28%. Of course, pure Sativa. Pain relief was good. Anxiety level went through the roof. I have over 48 years of experience here....even the pot today seems 'angry'. I find that sad.

The best weed i've ever had!

Super good like THE 70'SAME SKUNK CALIBIZO

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