Cookies And Cream X Purple PunchCookies And Cream X Purple PunchCookies And Cream X Pur... Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 28% 30 Favorites 4.6 4.6 31 votes| 3 reviews
Cookies And Cream X Purple Punch Indica Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 28% 4.6 4.6 31 votes| 3 reviews 30 Favorites
Aurum OgAurum OgAurum Og Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 31% 6 Favorites 4.6 4.6 21 votes
Glue TrapGlue TrapGlue Trap Indica Dominant , 65% Indica/35% SativaTHC: 22% - 25% 5 Favorites 4.6 4.6 28 votes
Wild CherryWild CherryWild Cherry Sativa Dominant , 75% Sativa/25% IndicaTHC: 23% - 29% 9 Favorites 4.6 4.6 13 votes| 2 reviews
OG CriticalOG CriticalOG Critical Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 18% - 20% 0 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes
Bermuda PunchBermuda PunchBermuda Punch Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 17% - 24% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes
Tangier ChillyTangier ChillyTangier Chilly Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 14% - 17% 11 Favorites 4.6 4.6 21 votes
HibernateHibernateHibernate Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 22% - 30% 0 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes
Theraplant 14003Theraplant 14003Theraplant 14003 Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 19% - 20% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 21 votes
Sour BubbleberrySour BubbleberrySour Bubbleberry Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 17% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes| 1 review
After BurnerAfter BurnerAfter Burner Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 28% 7 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes| 1 review
AllkushAllkushAllkush Indica Dominant , 75% Indica/25% SativaTHC: 15% - 18% 3 Favorites 4.6 4.6 21 votes
OG PineappleOG PineappleOG Pineapple Indica Dominant , 80% Indica/20% SativaTHC: 21%, CBD: 5% 4 Favorites 4.6 4.6 28 votes
CheeseburgerCheeseburgerCheeseburger Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 20% - 21% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes
Skywalker DieselSkywalker DieselSkywalker Diesel Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 15% - 21% 0 Favorites 4.6 4.6 21 votes
White Grape StomperWhite Grape StomperWhite Grape Stomper Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 29% 9 Favorites 4.6 4.6 21 votes
High VoltageHigh VoltageHigh Voltage Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 12% - 20%, CBD: 5% 3 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes
The BernThe BernThe Bern Indica Dominant , 90% Indica/10% SativaTHC: 19% - 28% 0 Favorites 4.6 4.6 21 votes
Purple People EaterPurple People EaterPurple People Eater Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 23% - 25% 3 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes
Blue TarmacBlue TarmacBlue Tarmac Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 20%, CBD: 1% 2 Favorites 4.6 4.6 7 votes
Power CheesePower CheesePower Cheese Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 19% - 21% 2 Favorites 4.6 4.6 21 votes
Iranian AutoflowerIranian AutoflowerIranian Autoflower Indica Dominant , 90% Indica/10% SativaTHC: 24% 8 Favorites 4.6 4.6 6 votes| 1 review
UnstableUnstableUnstable Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 15% - 20% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 7 votes
Orange ChameleonOrange ChameleonOrange Chameleon Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 18% - 24% 5 Favorites 4.6 4.6 19 votes| 4 reviews
Orange Chameleon Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 18% - 24% 4.6 4.6 19 votes| 4 reviews 5 Favorites
Pink PunchPink PunchPink Punch Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 18% - 22% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 29 votes| 1 review
Sour OG CheeseSour OG CheeseSour OG Cheese Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 27% - 29% 3 Favorites 4.6 4.6 29 votes| 1 review
Strawberry CakeStrawberry CakeStrawberry Cake Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 16% - 22%, CBD: 1% 11 Favorites 4.6 4.6 14 votes| 3 reviews
Strawberry Cake Indica Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 16% - 22%, CBD: 1% 4.6 4.6 14 votes| 3 reviews 11 Favorites
Royal DutchRoyal DutchRoyal Dutch Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 13% - 23% 2 Favorites 4.6 4.6 28 votes| 2 reviews
SnowmanSnowmanSnowman Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 23% 30 Favorites 4.6 4.6 25 votes| 6 reviews
Longbottom LeafLongbottom LeafLongbottom Leaf Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 19% - 24% 8 Favorites 4.6 4.6 29 votes| 1 review
Longbottom Leaf Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 60%/40% THC: 19% - 24% 4.6 4.6 29 votes| 1 review 8 Favorites
WMDWMDWMD Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 15% - 20% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 30 votes| 1 review
Ultra SourUltra SourUltra Sour Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 20% 21 Favorites 4.6 4.6 35 votes| 5 reviews
Cereal PunchCereal PunchCereal Punch Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 30% 0 Favorites 4.6 4.6 30 votes
Jungle LeanJungle LeanJungle Lean Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 25% - 26% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 30 votes
Wild StrawberryWild StrawberryWild Strawberry Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 27% - 28% 0 Favorites 4.6 4.6 30 votes