Sugar HighSugar HighSugar High Indica Dominant , 80% Indica/20% SativaTHC: 20% - 22% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Grape PupilGrape PupilGrape Pupil Sativa Dominant , 75% Sativa/25% IndicaTHC: 31% - 32% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Mexican HazeMexican HazeMexican Haze Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 15% - 23%, CBD: 3% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Big AKBig AKBig AK Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 15% - 25% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Las Vegas Kush CakeLas Vegas Kush CakeLas Vegas Kush Cake Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 25% - 30% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Anthro SkunkAnthro SkunkAnthro Skunk Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 21% - 22% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
FuelatoFuelatoFuelato Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 16% - 20% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Papaya HillsPapaya HillsPapaya Hills Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 18% - 20% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Sky FuelSky FuelSky Fuel Indica Dominant , 65% Indica/35% SativaTHC: 20% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Lemon G-13Lemon G-13Lemon G-13 Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 17% - 19% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Melon HeadsMelon HeadsMelon Heads Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 21% - 22% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Zoinks!Zoinks!Zoinks! Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 21% - 22% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Sour Pink LemonadeSour Pink LemonadeSour Pink Lemonade Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 12% - 16% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Eager BeaverEager BeaverEager Beaver Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 22% - 24% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes| 1 review
White Fire PunchWhite Fire PunchWhite Fire Punch Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 28% - 30% 6 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
White Shark 33White Shark 33White Shark 33 Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 14% - 16%, CBD: 5% 2 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Micro GiantMicro GiantMicro Giant Indica Dominant , 50% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 12% - 18% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Black SlushBlack SlushBlack Slush Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 27% - 28% 12 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Live Long and ProsperLive Long and ProsperLive Long and Prosper Indica Dominant , 80% Indica/20% SativaTHC: 15% - 22% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Scary Cherry OGScary Cherry OGScary Cherry OG Indica Dominant , 75% Indica/25% SativaTHC: 15% - 21%, CBD: 1% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
The MajiThe MajiThe Maji Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 17% - 21% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Shiva PoisonShiva PoisonShiva Poison Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 19% - 24% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Mud Bight DelightMud Bight DelightMud Bight Delight Indica Dominant , 75% Indica/25% SativaTHC: 20% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Peppermint KushPeppermint KushPeppermint Kush Indica Dominant , 90% Indica/10% SativaTHC: 16% - 22% 2 Favorites 4.5 4.5 14 votes| 1 review
Peppermint Kush Indica Dominant Hybrid, 90%/10% THC: 16% - 22% 4.5 4.5 14 votes| 1 review 2 Favorites
HollyweedHollyweedHollyweed Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 19% - 21% 6 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Kush Mountain KronicKush Mountain KronicKush Mountain Kronic Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 12% - 16%, CBD: 3% 4 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Kush Mountain Kronic Indica Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 12% - 16%, CBD: 3% 4.5 4.5 11 votes4 Favorites
Maple SyrupMaple SyrupMaple Syrup Indica Dominant , 90% Indica/10% SativaTHC: 17% 9 Favorites 4.5 4.5 11 votes
Lee Roy TKLee Roy TKLee Roy TK Indica Dominant , 90% Indica/10% SativaTHC: 20% - 24% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 22 votes
Lemon DurbanLemon DurbanLemon Durban Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 25% 7 Favorites 4.5 4.5 18 votes| 6 reviews
Forbidden FuelForbidden FuelForbidden Fuel Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 17% - 24% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 24 votes
Lemon FizzLemon FizzLemon Fizz Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 15% - 20% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 24 votes
Gas StationGas StationGas Station Sativa Dominant , 75% Sativa/25% IndicaTHC: 18% - 25% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 24 votes
Forbidden GuavaForbidden GuavaForbidden Guava Indica Dominant , 85% Indica/15% SativaTHC: 20% - 25% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 24 votes