Sunshine Cannabis Vape Pen Cartridge .5G

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Afghan Moon by Sunshine Cannabis is a heavy Indica with soothing anti-anxiety effects & pain-relieving qualities. The potent relaxing euphoria of the Afghan Moon (AFM) soothes mind, body, and senses with its sweet musky fruit, mild herbal spice & purple floral Indica taste. Afghan Moon relieves patients of a wide range of ailments. Rated as one of the best Indica vaporizer products in Florida by MMJ patients with countless 5-star independent reviews, AFM is reliable natural relief in a TruPOD or CCELL Cartridge. A must-try for Indica lovers! Top 7 Terpenes: Myrcene, Nerolidol, Linalool, Limonene, b-Caryophyllene, Pinene(s), Terpineol. Sunshine Cartridge 400mg Indica is a purecannabis oil extract concentrate that has no added cutting ingredient.

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  • .5 gram
Sunshine Cannabis Vape Pen Cartridge .5G Product
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