Dry herb vaporizers differ. Each brand and model has unique mechanics. However, the whole idea is to turn the cannabis product into vapor. Instead of inhaling smoke, users draw on the vaporizer to inhale and exhale its vapor ...
Dry herb vaporizers differ. Each brand and model has unique mechanics. However, the whole idea is to turn the cannabis product into vapor. Instead of inhaling smoke, users d ...
Dosing is not a game for amateurs. If you are dosing to treat physical or psychological problems, you need the advice of a qualified medical adviser. There are warnings you should heed.
The ideal dose of cannabis is the ...
Dosing is not a game for amateurs. If you are dosing to treat physical or psychological problems, you need the advice of a qualified medical adviser. There are warnings ...
Which is the better experience? Eating or smoking your cannabis? "Better" is in the user's mind, but the experiences differ. They'll both get you high in various ways, and there is no reason you cannot do both.
Old-school ...
Which is the better experience? Eating or smoking your cannabis? "Better" is in the user's mind, but the experiences differ. They'll both get you high in various ways, and ...
Why bother? Why start small and not jump in big time? If cannabis is not addictive or dangerous, why not go all the way?
Microdosing does not apply solely to cannabis. It refers to administering small doses of something and ...
Why bother? Why start small and not jump in big time? If cannabis is not addictive or dangerous, why not go all the way?
Microdosing does not apply solely to cannabis. It r ...