Marijuana Sales Tax Revenue To Help Homeless In Aurora, Colorado
During the 2012 campaign, marijuana opponents made the claim that if marijuana were legalized in Colorado there would be ten dollars in social costs for ever one dollar in tax revenue generated by marijuana sales. I dont know that anyone has calculated the increased social costs but I dont know that anyone needs to in order to know that marijuana opponents claims never panned out. Theres overwhelming evidence that the great cannabis experiment in Colorado is working out quite well. One recent example would be in Aurora, Colorado, where a million and a half dollars in marijuana sales tax revenue is being directed towards people that absolutely need it. Per theAurora Sentinel:
At a special study session Feb. 29, council members gave initial approval to allocating $1.5 million for homeless services from the citys 2017 and 2018 budgets.Thats in addition to the $1.5 million approved as part of this years budget. The money is coming from the citys marijuana sales tax revenue.
The Colfax Community Network is in extremely dire straits in that they do not have funds to continue operating, said Nancy Sheffield, director of Aurora neighborhood services.
Ward I Councilwoman Sally Mounier, whose ward encompasses many of the motels that low-income families stay in on East Colfax Avenue, said the nonprofit needed to be funded immediately. CCN also provides provides homeless families staying in local motels with food, clothing, hygiene products and diapers.
I blogged several times about the need for the cannabis community ...