Weed delivered to your front door could be reality under new Colorado bill

Pizza, prescriptions, Prime pot?
A bill introduced this week in the Colorado Senate would open the door for home-delivered recreational and medical marijuana in the state.
Senate Bill 192 would allow for medical marijuana dispensaries and recreational pot shops to apply for a license to deliver marijuana products to the private residences of Colorado adults or qualifying medical marijuana patients. The legislation is modeled after Oregons newly launched marijuana home delivery regulations, said Rep. Jonathan Singer, D-Longmont, who co-sponsored the bill with Sen. Tim Neville, R-Littleton, and Rep. Jovan Melton, D-Aurora.
This hopefully solves some of the problems as it relates to people concerned about marijuana DUIs or sick patients who dont have access to dispensaries, Singer told The Cannabist in a phone interview Friday.
Colorados bill goes a step further to also try to put in place a Plan B should there be a major change in federal enforcement policy or local or state, for that matter.
SB 192s language calls for single-instance transfers of product from a retail marijuana store to a medical dispensary effectively creating a safety valve for the states operations, Singer said.
For example, if a municipality were to ban recreational marijuana or federal crackdown occured, affected businesses would be allowed to transfer their inventory to a medical dispensary.
This ensures that we have safe passage and it doesnt escape out the back door, he said.
The meat of SB 192, however, is dedicated to delivery regulations.
Among the notable provisions:
The bill is scheduled for a hearing March 1 with the Senate Business, Labor, & Technology committee.
In Oregon, home delivery is still a fresh concept, having launched just this month.
Its super exciting, Spencer Krutzler, manager of La Cannaisseur in Linnton, told KGW.com. This is like, youre going to call the pizza guy, then youre going to call us. Were going to have a good time.
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission oversees the regulations for recreational cannabis, including how the deliveries work.
Outside of residential homes, there are limits on where a recreational customer can ...