Poll: 78% of Utah Voters Support Medical Marijuana Ballot Measure

SALT LAKE CITY, UT Another poll has found that an overwhelming majority of Utah voters support a proposed ballot measure to legalize marijuana in the state.
According to a Salt Lake Tribune Poll released Monday, 78% of voters supporta proposed 2018 ballot initiative that would allow use of medical cannabis infused products by patients suffering from qualifying conditions.
A similar poll released earlier this year found 73% support for the proposal.
Theproposed initiative, organized by the MPP-backed Utah Patients Coalition, would allow the use of medical marijuana in the form of topicals, oils and edibles for qualifying illnesses such as Alzheimers disease, cancer, MS, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain and autism.
Smoking marijuana, driving while intoxicated, and public consumption would be prohibited. Thefull text of the initiativehas been posted online, along witha summary of the proposals key points.
According to the poll, which was conducted by Dan Jones & Associates for the Salt Lake Tribune, 45% of respondents strongly support the initiative, with 33% somewhat supporting it. Only 10% of those surveyed oppose the initiative, with the remaining 10% undecided.
Support was strong among all political affiliations, including 65% of Republicans and 97% of Democrats favoring the measure. The poll, conducted between July 18th to July 20th, has a margin of error of +/- 3.95 percentage points.
This past week, backers of the proposal recently held a series of public hearings across the ...