Utah Advocates Launch 2018 Medical Marijuana Signature Drive

SALT LAKE CITY, UT Advocates hoping to place an initiative on Utahs midterm election ballot next year will officially launch their signature collection campaign on Thursday.
The Utah Patients Coalition, backed by the Marijuana Policy Project, will kick off the signature collection campaign at a Thursday morning event at the Gallivan Center in Salt Lake City.
Volunteers will begin collecting signatures in downtown Salt Lake City immediately following the event, which will include a press conference and speeches from campaign leaders, patients and suporters.
Last week, the groups proposal, the Utah Medical Cannabis Act, received approval from the state to begin collecting signatures.
The group needs to collect over 113,000 valid signatures to qualify for the November 2018 ballot.
We plan to gather the first signatures by next week and be finished prior to the 2018 legislative session in January, said DJ Schanz, campaign co-director for Utah Patients Coalition. Our volunteersmany of them patients or caregivers themselveshave been ready and eagerly waiting; it feels good to know we will have scheduled events in the coming weeks for those who have waited years for this.
The proposed initiative would allow patients with certain qualifying conditions to legally and safely access medical cannabis with the recommendation ...