Maine Lawmakers Approve Marijuana Regulation and Implementation Bill

The Maine state capitol building in Augusta (WikiMedia Commons)
AUGUSTA, ME On Monday, Maine lawmakers approved a bill that would establish regulations for the legal marijuana market, with the House voting 81-50 and the Senate voting 22-9 before both chambers passed the measure in an under the hammer or unanimous vote.
This omnibus bill, LD 1650, was the culmination of nearly seven months of work by the Marijuana Legalization Implementation Committee.
The bill creates the rules for licensing and regulating marijuana producers, processors, and retail establishments; sets the tax rates for adult-use marijuana; and will delay marijuana consumption social clubs until the summer of 2019.
We commend the legislature for supporting the will of the people by passing this bill to implement a regulated marijuana market without further delay, said David Boyer, Maine political director for the Marijuana Policy Project. This bill was created transparently and inclusively, and while it may not be perfect, it essentially does what Maine voters wanted when they approved Question 1 last year. It is time to start working toward that goal of getting the marijuana market out of the hands of criminals and under the control of the state and legitimate businesses.
Last week, Gov. Paul LePage and House Minority Leader Ken Fredette (R-Newport) announced legislation that would further delay legal marijuana sales and cultivation until ...