Complete Colorado election results for 2017 cannabis issues
A Colorado city known for its cantaloupes will soon be known for its recreational cannabis.
Three cities in southern Colorado Alamosa, Monte Vista and Rocky Ford, all located south of Pueblo voted Tuesday on whether to allow sales of medical marijuana, recreational marijuana or both; they also had separate, corresponding tax measures for collecting revenue on prospective cannabis sales.
While the proposed pot-tax measures in the three cities all passed easily, only one approved retail sales: Rocky Ford, famous regionally for its melons.
Elsewhere in Colorado, voters had a handful of local marijuana tax measures to consider on their ballots, including the town of Foxfield, where marijuana sales are currently banned. In 13 out of 14 cities, the tax measures passed Foxfields did not.
Additionally, Fort Collins voters authorized the City Council to amend the City Code with regard to medical marijuana ordinances without requiring voter approval of each amendment, according to the Colorado Municipal League, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization.
State marijuana laws allow municipalities to opt in or ban marijuana sales and set local taxes. CML data on local ordinances shows that as of April 2017 about 90 percent of municipalities had taken action to address retail marijuana sales; 69 municipalities had regulations in place to allow sales and 168 had bans or moratoriums.
Heres a look at the unofficial results in the cities that considered allowing sales and/or instituting local marijuana taxes. Information on the proposed tax rates is provided by Kevin Bommer, CML deputy director. (Voter totals are in parentheses):
Ballot Question 300: Allow medical marijuana stores
Yes: 41% (868)
No: 59% (1,275)
Ballot Question 301: Allow retail marijuana stores
Yes: 37% (794)
No: 63% (1,342)
Issue 2A: 5% sales tax on retail marijuana sales
Yes: 61% (1,313)
No: 39% (823)
Results via Alamosa News
Issue 2A: 7% sales and excise, earmarked for youth activities and services, streets, public safety, parks and rec
Yes: 69% (1,121)
No: 31% (506)
Results via the Reporter-Herald
Issue 2C: 5% excise tax to fund public safety
Yes: 53.09% (3,577)
No: 46.91% (3,160)
Results via Adams County
Issue 2A: 5% sales tax on medical
Yes: 62% (71)
No: 38% (43)
Results via Grand Junction Sentinel
Measure 2B: 5% sales tax on retail, repeal occupation tax
Yes: 67% (53)
No: 33% (26)
Results via Craig Daily Press
Issue 1A: 2.5% sales tax on retail, 2.5% excise, repeal occupation tax
Yes: 74% (8,151)
No: 26% (2,905)
Results via Vail Daily
Issue 2L: 5% excise tax to fund regulation, drug education, prevention of youth consumption
Yes: 58% (580)
No: 42% (425)
Results via Adams County
5% sales tax ...