Cannabis and Depression: 9 Things You Need to Know
June 06, 2023
Cannabis and Depression: 9 Things You Need to KnowCannabis and Depression: 9 Things You Need to KnowCannabis and Depression: 9 Things You Need to Know
This is no subject for teenagers. Regular cannabis use can affect developing brains more acutely than adult ones. There is a strong correlation between teen use and later development of cannabis use disor ...
This is no subject for teenagers. Regular cannabis use can affect developing brains more acutely than adult ones. There is a strong correlation between teen use and later development o ...
Could Cannabis CBD cure your next hangover?
June 02, 2023
Could Cannabis CBD cure your next hangover?Could Cannabis CBD cure your next hangover?Could Cannabis CBD cure your next hangover?
Could CBD cure your next hangover? Well, maybe. Put a little in your Bloody Mary with a raw egg? Perhaps! Anyone who has had a bad hangover would try anything. On the other hand, they are so under the wea ...
Could CBD cure your next hangover? Well, maybe. Put a little in your Bloody Mary with a raw egg? Perhaps! Anyone who has had a bad hangover would try anything. On the other hand, they ...
8 Reasons You Should Give up Painkillers in Favor of Medical Cannabis
May 29, 2023
8 Reasons You Should Give up Painkillers in Favor of Medical Cannabis8 Reasons You Should Give up Painkillers in Favor of Medical Cannabis8 Reasons You Should Give up Painkillers in Favor of Medical Cannabis
Tylenol, Advil, and private label painkillers produce billions in revenue every year. But, over-the-counter painkillers are not the root of the decades-long epidemic of painkiller addiction and abuse. We’ ...
Tylenol, Advil, and private label painkillers produce billions in revenue every year. But, over-the-counter painkillers are not the root of the decades-long epidemic of painkiller addi ...
Cannabis Etiquette: 6 Unwritten Rules of Cannabis Smoking You Need to Know
May 25, 2023
Cannabis Etiquette: 6 Unwritten Rules of Cannabis Smoking You Need to KnowCannabis Etiquette: 6 Unwritten Rules of Cannabis Smoking You Need ...Cannabis Etiquette: 6 Unwritten Rules of Cannabis Smoking You Need to Know
It’s sort of funny. Smoking cannabis began as a rebellious act, something outside the norm. But, it now has a lot of rules. Over time, smokers have established a whole system of behaviors, an etiquette, ...
It’s sort of funny. Smoking cannabis began as a rebellious act, something outside the norm. But, it now has a lot of rules. Over time, smokers have established a whole system of behav ...
What are the Differences Between Spliffs, Blunts, and Joints
May 18, 2023
What are the Differences Between Spliffs, Blunts, and JointsWhat are the Differences Between Spliffs, Blunts, and JointsWhat are the Differences Between Spliffs, Blunts, and Joints
History shows people have been innovating with cannabis consumption since they first tripped over it in the foothills of the Himalayas. Some prefer their cannabis one way; some prefer another. Still, other ...
History shows people have been innovating with cannabis consumption since they first tripped over it in the foothills of the Himalayas. Some prefer their cannabis one way; some prefer a ...
5 Relationship Problems You Might Face If Your Partner Doesn’t Smoke Weed
May 15, 2023
5 Relationship Problems You Might Face If Your Partner Doesn’t Smoke Weed 5 Relationship Problems You Might Face If Your Partner Doesn’t Smok...5 Relationship Problems You Might Face If Your Partner Doesn’t Smoke Weed
Are potheads doomed to a lonely life? Some ex-partners claim there’s no way a couple will survive when only one of the two smokes weed. “Pothead” is the operative word here. The total pothead may have a ...
Are potheads doomed to a lonely life? Some ex-partners claim there’s no way a couple will survive when only one of the two smokes weed. “Pothead” is the operative word here. The tota ...
Differences Between Cannabis Flowers, Edibles and Concentrates
May 10, 2023
Differences Between Cannabis Flowers, Edibles and ConcentratesDifferences Between Cannabis Flowers, Edibles and ConcentratesDifferences Between Cannabis Flowers, Edibles and Concentrates
Cannabis flowers, edibles, and concentrates are three different ways to use cannabis. Some use all three, but most prefer to take one path or the other. They differ in form, mechanism of action, and effec ...
Cannabis flowers, edibles, and concentrates are three different ways to use cannabis. Some use all three, but most prefer to take one path or the other. They differ in form, mechanism ...
Which 10 Sativa Cannabis Strains Are Highest in THC
May 03, 2023
Which 10 Sativa Cannabis Strains Are Highest in THCWhich 10 Sativa Cannabis Strains Are Highest in THCWhich 10 Sativa Cannabis Strains Are Highest in THC
Sativa cannabis strains offer stimulating experiences mostly cerebral in effect. They support creativity, socializing, art, and conversation. They induce giggles and uncontrollable laughing. And, the stron ...
Sativa cannabis strains offer stimulating experiences mostly cerebral in effect. They support creativity, socializing, art, and conversation. They induce giggles and uncontrollable laug ...
Complete Guide to Grow Cannabis in a Tiny Space
April 28, 2023
Complete Guide to Grow Cannabis in a Tiny SpaceComplete Guide to Grow Cannabis in a Tiny SpaceComplete Guide to Grow Cannabis in a Tiny Space
It’s called “micro-growing” when you want to optimize your cannabis crop in a small space. Suppose you’re in a townhouse, a studio apartment with few closets and cabinets. or in a dorm room. You may need ...
It’s called “micro-growing” when you want to optimize your cannabis crop in a small space. Suppose you’re in a townhouse, a studio apartment with few closets and cabinets. or in a dorm ...
Can Cannabis Replace Xanax As an Anti-Anxiety Drug?
April 26, 2023
Can Cannabis Replace Xanax As an Anti-Anxiety Drug?Can Cannabis Replace Xanax As an Anti-Anxiety Drug?Can Cannabis Replace Xanax As an Anti-Anxiety Drug?
Ouch! You can’t ask questions like this. This really takes us out on a limb. We do not pretend to be doctors, neurologists, psychiatrists, or pharmaceutical researchers. Any opinion here requires a load o ...
Ouch! You can’t ask questions like this. This really takes us out on a limb. We do not pretend to be doctors, neurologists, psychiatrists, or pharmaceutical researchers. Any opinion he ...
10 Reasons Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol
April 24, 2023
10 Reasons Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol10 Reasons Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol10 Reasons Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol
Alcohol is legal — even where cannabis is not. It’s pretty absurd when you consider how much safer cannabis is. Erin Brodwin, writing for Business Insider, says, “When it comes to addiction profiles, risk ...
Alcohol is legal — even where cannabis is not. It’s pretty absurd when you consider how much safer cannabis is. Erin Brodwin, writing for Business Insider, says, “When it comes to addi ...
Which Cannabis Strains are Best for Me?
April 20, 2023
Which Cannabis Strains are Best for Me?Which Cannabis Strains are Best for Me?Which Cannabis Strains are Best for Me?
Which cannabis is best for me? Geez, what a question! The short answer is “It depends.” It depends on your height, weight, ages, gender, experience, metabolism, and even more. It depends on what you want ...
Which cannabis is best for me? Geez, what a question! The short answer is “It depends.” It depends on your height, weight, ages, gender, experience, metabolism, and even more. It depen ...
Why Does Cannabis Work for So Many Different Health Conditions?
April 17, 2023
Why Does Cannabis Work for So Many Different Health Conditions?Why Does Cannabis Work for So Many Different Health Conditions?Why Does Cannabis Work for So Many Different Health Conditions?
The human body continues to amaze scientists. No one has the final answer to anything regarding human physiology, neurology, respiratory, and other systems. Any successful discovery only opens more doors ...
The human body continues to amaze scientists. No one has the final answer to anything regarding human physiology, neurology, respiratory, and other systems. Any successful discovery o ...
5 Reasons Why Vaping Is Healthier Than Smoking Cannabis
April 10, 2023
5 Reasons Why Vaping Is Healthier Than Smoking Cannabis5 Reasons Why Vaping Is Healthier Than Smoking Cannabis5 Reasons Why Vaping Is Healthier Than Smoking Cannabis
Getting healthy and fit can be one of the most difficult but rewarding tasks you will undertake in life. However, by making changes to your daily routine and cutting out bad habits, you can improve your s ...
Getting healthy and fit can be one of the most difficult but rewarding tasks you will undertake in life. However, by making changes to your daily routine and cutting out bad habits, yo ...
5 Cannabis Strains That Can Improve Meditation
April 07, 2023
5 Cannabis Strains That Can Improve Meditation5 Cannabis Strains That Can Improve Meditation5 Cannabis Strains That Can Improve Meditation
Cannabis and meditation have each been with us for thousands of years. I’m not sure which came first, but they have long been connected. Some cannabis strains can induce peace and calm, and some others ca ...
Cannabis and meditation have each been with us for thousands of years. I’m not sure which came first, but they have long been connected. Some cannabis strains can induce peace and calm ...
10 Easy Steps to Grow Cannabis at Home
April 03, 2023
10 Easy Steps to Grow Cannabis at Home10 Easy Steps to Grow Cannabis at Home10 Easy Steps to Grow Cannabis at Home
Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania have liberalized laws on cannabis. But, if you live there and want to grow cannabis at home, you’ll have to ...
Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania have liberalized laws on cannabis. But, if you live there and want to grow cannabis at h ...
Step by Step Guide on How to Make Cannabis Hash
March 27, 2023
Step by Step Guide on How to Make Cannabis HashStep by Step Guide on How to Make Cannabis HashStep by Step Guide on How to Make Cannabis Hash
History has treated Hash (sort for hashish) a bit unfairly. Non-users have built negative myths around the potent form of cannabis. Where Marijuana refers to the dried herb flowers, hash includes the resin ...
History has treated Hash (sort for hashish) a bit unfairly. Non-users have built negative myths around the potent form of cannabis. Where Marijuana refers to the dried herb flowers, has ...
Cannabis and Inflammation: Everything You Need to Know
March 20, 2023
Cannabis and Inflammation: Everything You Need to KnowCannabis and Inflammation: Everything You Need to KnowCannabis and Inflammation: Everything You Need to Know
Citizens of the world have used cannabis to combat inflammation and the related pain for thousands of years. Users and non-users can win if they understand the connection between cannabis and inflammation ...
Citizens of the world have used cannabis to combat inflammation and the related pain for thousands of years. Users and non-users can win if they understand the connection between canna ...
What is Cannabis Infused Wine and How to Make it
March 14, 2023
What is Cannabis Infused Wine and How to Make itWhat is Cannabis Infused Wine and How to Make itWhat is Cannabis Infused Wine and How to Make it
Everybody and their mothers seem to be pushing cannabis-infused wines. It’s generally illegal to process the product, partly because there are two oversight agencies to please. So, some entrepreneur oenol ...
Everybody and their mothers seem to be pushing cannabis-infused wines. It’s generally illegal to process the product, partly because there are two oversight agencies to please. So, som ...
8 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Cannabis Tea
March 10, 2023
8 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Cannabis Tea8 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Cannabis Tea8 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Cannabis Tea
Subtle Tea, Mary’s Wellness, Supple Tea, Positivi-Tea, and Stillwater — these are just a few of the pre-packaged cannabis teas hitting the cannabis dispensaries near you. They have the additional promise ...
Subtle Tea, Mary’s Wellness, Supple Tea, Positivi-Tea, and Stillwater — these are just a few of the pre-packaged cannabis teas hitting the cannabis dispensaries near you. They have the ...
Cannabis Kief 101: What You Need to Know
March 08, 2023
Cannabis Kief 101: What You Need to KnowCannabis Kief 101: What You Need to KnowCannabis Kief 101: What You Need to Know
Nothing needs to go to waste. Considering the price on cannabis — legal or otherwise, you want to get as much out of it as you can. So, you’ll want to make the most of the crumbs and dust left over when y ...
Nothing needs to go to waste. Considering the price on cannabis — legal or otherwise, you want to get as much out of it as you can. So, you’ll want to make the most of the crumbs and d ...
10 Reasons Why You Should Buy Regulated Cannabis
March 06, 2023
10 Reasons Why You Should Buy Regulated Cannabis10 Reasons Why You Should Buy Regulated Cannabis10 Reasons Why You Should Buy Regulated Cannabis
Buying cannabis on the street offers no guarantees. Even where the price is better than competitive, you have no assurance of content. Medical-use cannabis or recreational-use cannabis on the black market ...
Buying cannabis on the street offers no guarantees. Even where the price is better than competitive, you have no assurance of content. Medical-use cannabis or recreational-use cannabis ...
10 Best Cannabis Strains for Beginners
March 02, 2023
10 Best Cannabis Strains for Beginners10 Best Cannabis Strains for Beginners10 Best Cannabis Strains for Beginners
When beginners start as teenagers, they are at the mercy of peer “intelligence.” Buddies tell them what they should try and what they’ll enjoy. The fact is those other teens only know what their dealer is ...
When beginners start as teenagers, they are at the mercy of peer “intelligence.” Buddies tell them what they should try and what they’ll enjoy. The fact is those other teens only know ...
10 Rookie Medical Cannabis Patient Mistakes Should Avoid
February 27, 2023
10 Rookie Medical Cannabis Patient Mistakes Should Avoid10 Rookie Medical Cannabis Patient Mistakes Should Avoid10 Rookie Medical Cannabis Patient Mistakes Should Avoid
Patients using medical marijuana have had a loud voice in advocating for cannabis legalization. Sincere and earnest, they have spoken from their experience of pain and suffering from scores of brain and b ...
Patients using medical marijuana have had a loud voice in advocating for cannabis legalization. Sincere and earnest, they have spoken from their experience of pain and suffering from s ...
The Essential Pros and Cons of Vape Pens
February 17, 2023
The Essential Pros and Cons of Vape PensThe Essential Pros and Cons of Vape PensThe Essential Pros and Cons of Vape Pens
The reports claim vape pens have enjoyed a huge increase in popularity, but you can’t always trust the numbers. Eaze, the cannabis delivery service, reports a 400 percent increase in sales from 2015 throu ...
The reports claim vape pens have enjoyed a huge increase in popularity, but you can’t always trust the numbers. Eaze, the cannabis delivery service, reports a 400 percent increase in s ...
5 Go-to Cannabis Strains for Stress Relief
February 15, 2023
5 Go-to Cannabis Strains for Stress Relief5 Go-to Cannabis Strains for Stress Relief5 Go-to Cannabis Strains for Stress Relief
Stress is difficult to diagnose and treat. It falls within several definitions from mild discomfort to paralyzing effects. In most cases, it is erratic, coming and going or increasing and decreasing inten ...
Stress is difficult to diagnose and treat. It falls within several definitions from mild discomfort to paralyzing effects. In most cases, it is erratic, coming and going or increasing ...
Medical Benefits of Cannabis Terpene Pinene Explained
February 13, 2023
Medical Benefits of Cannabis Terpene Pinene ExplainedMedical Benefits of Cannabis Terpene Pinene ExplainedMedical Benefits of Cannabis Terpene Pinene Explained
“Terpene” might remind you of turpentine. And, you’d be right. Conifers, mostly evergreen trees, exude terpenes through broken or damaged bark. There’s a bunch of different terpenes, and they don’t all pr ...
“Terpene” might remind you of turpentine. And, you’d be right. Conifers, mostly evergreen trees, exude terpenes through broken or damaged bark. There’s a bunch of different terpenes, a ...
What is Ruderalis Hybrid? Pouplar Ruderalis strain Included!
February 10, 2023
What is Ruderalis Hybrid? Pouplar Ruderalis strain Included!What is Ruderalis Hybrid? Pouplar Ruderalis strain Included!What is Ruderalis Hybrid? Pouplar Ruderalis strain Included!
Cannabis sativa will hit you with a psychoactive experience. Cannabis Indica can lead to couchlock. However, you rarely find a strain that does not include elements of each. Then, there is cannabis ruderal ...
Cannabis sativa will hit you with a psychoactive experience. Cannabis Indica can lead to couchlock. However, you rarely find a strain that does not include elements of each. Then, there ...
5 Things to Look for in Your Local Cannabis Dispensary
February 06, 2023
5 Things to Look for in Your Local Cannabis Dispensary5 Things to Look for in Your Local Cannabis Dispensary5 Things to Look for in Your Local Cannabis Dispensary
Visiting your local cannabis dispensary is a trip in itself. Until you can purchase weed legally online or expect home delivery, you are left to shop at medical marijuana or recreational marijuana dispen ...
Visiting your local cannabis dispensary is a trip in itself. Until you can purchase weed legally online or expect home delivery, you are left to shop at medical marijuana or recreatio ...
5 Amazing Ways Cannabis Benefits Your Skin
February 01, 2023
5 Amazing Ways Cannabis Benefits Your Skin5 Amazing Ways Cannabis Benefits Your Skin5 Amazing Ways Cannabis Benefits Your Skin
Chain pharmacies and big box stores are starting to feature cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, and skin care items including CBD oil and Hemp oil. Since they are not edibles, these products will soon feature mor ...
Chain pharmacies and big box stores are starting to feature cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, and skin care items including CBD oil and Hemp oil. Since they are not edibles, these products w ...