Step by Step Guide on How to Make Cannabis Hash

History has treated Hash (sort for hashish) a bit unfairly. Non-users have built negative myths around the potent form of cannabis. Where Marijuana refers to the dried herb flowers, hash includes the resin-loaded trichomes in a compressed or “purified” form. Hash is widely illegal because of its potency and lack of processing standards., but you can make cannabis hash on your own — with some caution.
Where did hash come from?
Hash has been part of history so long that you might wonder when it occurred to some “primitive” grower that there was value in packing and compressing the plant’s parts into a mash usually distributed in a bar shape. It was likely a desire to create something portable and transportable, a convenient form for travel. Or, maybe they just wanted the powerful punch.
Hash has been associated with the mysteries of the Middle East. Stories, movies, and legends have associated hash with the bazaars of Morocco and Cairo. Western cultures stereotyped its use and users, but stereotypes always have a certain truth behind them. So, we can infer hash has always been kept underground and probably distributed by nomads across Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
What good is hash?
First, hash can be very potent. Second, it can be carried easily. Still, hash is used for its medical properties. Its THC content may relieve glaucoma symptoms, and it has been used to reduce the pain and nausea associated with cancer, chemotherapy, and HIV/AIDS.
But most users want its powerful hit. Used carefully, they THC will produce an uplifting euphoria, but heavy use, large doses, or mixed with alcohol consumption, it will induce anxiety and paranoia.
You must decide on how you will use hash. For example, it can be chewed, smoked, dabbed, converted to oil, or infused into beverages.
How to make your own hash?
You will need a few tools and hardware items and a grasp on the step-by-step process of choice:
Blender hash is an easy method:
You use common kitchen tools plus a silkscreen.
Using an electric blender, you add enough reverse osmosis water or distilled water to cover the cannabis trim and bud before you add ice to the blender’s maximum line.
Setting the blender to moderate speed, you blend the contents for one minute.
You then drain the contents through the silkscreen into a glass jar where it sits for 30 minutes or more to cool.
The small trichomes will settle to the bottom. After pouring off 2/3 of the water, you fill the jar with ice water and let it sit for another five minutes. You repeat this fill, settle, and drain process five times to increase the quality.
Eventually, you pour the remaining fluid through a coffee filter to separate the kief. The remaining product is ready for use.
Bubble Hash comes from an icing process:
You will need bud and/or trim, reverse-osmosis water, a large wooden spoon and a small spoon, a 1 or 5-gallon bucket, bubble bags varying in filtration from 220 to 225-microns, a 25-micron filtration screen, unbleached parchment paper. Agitating machines are available online to reduce your work.
You will float round ice cubes made from reverse osmosis water in R.O. water at the bottom of your bucket or machine. You will layer ice and cannabis bags from the bottom up starting with a 25u micron bag and layering up to 220u.
If you have the room, you refrigerate the bucket to sustain the cold temperature. If you don’t have the room, you should allow the contents to sit for 15 minutes before you stir the contents.
Using the large wooden or plastic spoon, you stir the bucket contents slowly for 15 minutes. Automatic agitation machines are available to make the work easier.
The process will leach the cannabis into the water which you drain leaving nothing but plant matter and ice.
Removing each bag, you fold each at the bottom and label it with the filtration micron count. When using, you can refer to the count to identify your favorite one.
Dry ice hash only extracts the resin making it a “pure” experience. It resembles the Bubble Hash method but uses dry ice:
You will need a bucket, bubble bags with varied microfiltration, and safety gloves to handle the dry ice.
Mixing the cannabis trim and flower with the dry ice for about 15 minutes will separate the resin glands from the remaining plant material.
Covering the top of the bucket with a bubble bag, you turn it over and allow the contents to drip onto a flat sheet of unbleached parchment paper where it will create amber-colored dust.
Using a credit card or single-edged razor blade to scrape the dust you can press into bricks for later use.
Hand-rolled hash comes easy to those who handle buds and trim while growing, harvesting, and curing:
The THC-rich trichomes stick to your hands during processing. That sticky resin is the secret you are after.
All you do is rub your hands together until the resin beads together until you gather enough to set aside and store.
What’s in it for you?
Trichomes are those wispy crystalline hairs on cannabis flowers. They hold the cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes that bring flavor, aroma, and potency to the cannabis strain. Hash comes from processes that separate the trichomes from the plant matter of mature cannabis flowers.
Because hash is made from trichomes that contain most of the plant’s cannabinoids. it scales up the potency and experience. Because the process eliminates the rest of the plant material, the remaining hash intensifies the experience. For instance, if you process a strain with 18% THC, it will enhance the resultant high. With practice and education, you can radically multiply the THC’s strength and impact.