10 Most Popular CBD Cannabis Strains in 2020

Any review of popular CBD cannabis strains must acknowledge Stephen Hawking Kush and Charlotte’s Web. But the list of high CBD strains is growing and deserves a revisit.
Charlotte’s Web holds as much as 20% CBD and has been singularly important in launching the expansion of legalized medical cannabis. Even in states still closed to open dispensaries, legislatures have permitted the compassionate care available in Charlotte’s Web for treating children suffering from Dravet Syndrome, an incapacitating epilepsy resistant to routine pharmaceutical care. Charlotte’s Web was specifically bred to treat pediatric recalcitrant epilepsy, relieving children suffering 300+ seizures a month. But the word of its relief for involuntary spasms has spread widely as therapy for other neurological syndromes.
- The brilliant Stephen Hawking would have been amused to find a Kush strain named in his honor. This differs from Charlotte’s Web because its 20%+ CBD content is matched 1: 1 by 20%+ THC. This means it packs a whopping psychoactive experience as well as the calming pain relief of CBD. Stephen Hawking Kush has proven a great option for new users or consumers who want the best of both worlds. The THC provides an uplifting experience while the CBD soothes the pain and spasms of degenerative disorders like ALS and Multiple Sclerosis.
But let’s list 10 most popular CBD strains (in alphabetical order):
1. ACDC has a low THC content at 1%. That’s almost hemp territory. But its up to 20% CBD content appeals to those looking for its medical properties. So, you don’t look for cerebral highs from ACDC, sort of despite its name.
This Sativa-dominant hybrid (70: 30) mixes genes from Ruderalis and Cannatonic for a fairly all-purpose pharmacy of benefits. With this much CBD influencing the deployment of neuro-signals, hormones, and other triggers, patients choose ACDC to manage nausea and vomiting attached to chemotherapy and for mild depression and situational stress. The California Chalice awarded 1st Place in the 2015 CBD Concentrate competition to AC/DC from HoneyBadger and Queen Bee and 2nd to AC/DC from Dab Dinasty. It took 1st in the 2014 Santa Cruz Cup and more awards.
2. Astral Works is a nearly balanced hybrid with CBD: THC at 2: 1. Pruf Cultivar mixed Harle-Tsu and Tangerine Haze for 9% - 11% CBD over 5% - 6.5% THC with herbal and tropical aromas. The balance leaves you with a strong uplifting euphoria.
But it sustains a focused energy with a calming comfort. Astral Works took the Ladies’ Choice Award at the 2019 Cultivators’ Classic because of its rich and intense terpenes content and its inclination toward socializing.
3. Blue Genius (Bleugenius) is out of stock in several medical cannabis states. That’s either the result of popular demand or newness in the market. Most websites are repeating the same content copy. Nonetheless, it is testing at CBD 22 to THC 1. If the THC is at the 14% some claim, this is a CBD “bomb.”
The hybrid is out of Eugenius in Oregon with no report on its parentage. It has a complex taste and aroma structure making it dank and damp woodsy. But with that CBD content, even first-time users will enjoy the smooth relaxation after a tingling cerebral high.
4. Cannatonic was among the earliest “CBD-only” strains, a combination of MK Ultra and G13 Haze. It’s a 50: 50 hybrid with 7% - 15% THC and 12% CBD. You can work while using Cannatonic despite its name. There are enough supportive energy and clear-headed focus to get you through the day.
But its deep body relaxation is potentially therapeutic benefits for anxiety, muscle spasms, migraines, chronic pain, and more. More users are recommending Cannatonic for the fatigue from Fibromyalgia and Lupus.
5. Dance World originated in Spain with roots in Reggae Seeds’ Dancehall crossed with a genetic mix of Mexican and Afghani Juanita La Lagrimosa. Fragrant, herbal, and spicy, it tastes of ripe fruit. It’s sativa-dominant at (75: 25) but perfectly balanced at 11% THC and 11% CBD.
That chemistry won’t make you dance, but it will launch a progressive, long-lasting relaxation. Stick with it, and it will numb and lay you back. It will relieve anxiety and daily stress, but the lethargy is only good for late in the day or evening. But once you’re accustomed to the CBD relaxation, you may experience an agitated cerebral hit.
6. Dark Star (DarkStar) is an anomaly. A pure Indica, it has negligible CBD with about 19% THC. Some users report dizziness, headaches, and paranoia coming from ancestors Purple Kush and Mazar-i-Sharif. That precludes use for epilepsy and other neurological conditions.
Nonetheless, Dark Star has reportedly helped those with insomnia, lack of appetite, situational stress and depression, and chronic body pain. The moderate THC trip may also help with mild depression or PTSD.
7. Harlequin is another option for curious consumers. Not everyone wants a major head event. Many are looking for a mild cerebral experience with mellow and relaxing effects. Harlequin fills that bill with 7% - 15% THC balanced with 10% CBD. Another Sativa-dominant hybrid (75: 25), it blends Columbian Gold, Thai, and Swiss Landrace.
People like the mango overtones and earthy undertones in taste and aroma. There’s enough THC to pick you up whiles staying alert and working. But the CBD reduces the inflammation-related pain as well as muscle aches, pains, and spasms.
8. Harle-Tsu is a renowned Indica-dominant hybrid with 22% CBD powerfully outweighing its 1% THC. A result of breeding Harlequin with Sour Tsunami, it may be a perfect medical strain. For those looking for relief of inflammatory pain without a psychoactive experience.\
It should reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. But users report great relief from pain associated with Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and arthritis. The Harle-Tsu Live Resin won 2nd Place in the Humboldt County Cup for CBD concentrates.
9. Jamaican Lion has a sporty 9% THC with 13% - 18% CBD in a 50: 50 balanced hybrid. Breeders crossed Mountain Lion with Yarder, a Jamaican sativa, to create a California favorite CBD strain. That’s enough THC to keep you awake and sharp while leaving you pleasantly mellowed out.
Jamaican Lion took 2nd Place in the 2011 San Francisco Cannabis Cup for CBD. Its big appeal lies in its sweet spearmint and lemon scents and tastes. You’ll lift into a good mood and retain focus. Then, you’ll ease into a creeping heaviness that relieves pain and stress.
10. Remedy is the aptly named 75% Indica-loaded hybrid. With 18% CBD over its barely 1% THC, it’s the result of breeding for CBD benefits. It’s long been in demand, this pairing of Cannatonic and Afghani Skunk for its flavor, taste, and medical effects.
The high starts fast but moves slowly through muscles to sooth the brain as well. There’s no cerebral electricity here, just a smooth, creeping relaxation of mind and body easing chronic pain and reducing anxiety, spasms, stress, and tremors.
And, there’s more!
Other strains have a high CBD content, too. The list could grow to 30. But those shopping for CBD strains usually want the medical benefits or a balance allowing a modest psychoactive experience attached to the medicinal benefits. This list offered a variety of top contenders.