Love cbd flower know. I always looked for high thc flower to help with back pain but I just got baked wasn’t doing much for pain. First cbd strain I tried was The Gift from UV Organic and I caught the cbd bug I picked up some Harle-Tsu and let me tell you right now after a bowl from my bong (straight tube) I feel tingling waves that go through out my body my head is clear my eyes are little heavy but my mouth is not dry zero anxiety zero paranoia best of all almost zero pain. I’ll smoke this instead of taking a Norcol any day.
Indica Dominant Hybrid - 60% Indica / 40% Sativa
THC: 1%, CBD: 22%
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Harle-Tsu Reviews
Harle-Tsu Reviews
IN MD not MD20/20 we have this strain with the same total cannabinoids but the THC is at 7% and most of the rest of the 20% its CBD. There is also a surprising amount of CBG in it and who knows what else. But this is a very relaxing bud, so I am feeling no pain :). Happy New Year 2019!!
I just got the opportunity to try this strain in an extract and I'm very impressed. As a person with moderate rheumatoid arthritis and a very physically demanding job, my Fridays tend to be bad days. By the end of the week I'm exhausted and stressed and swollen and this has given me such relief. There is little enough of a head high that I don't have to worry about "overshooting" as I call it and aiming for pain relief and ending up baked from one or two too many puffs. Instead I feel happy and a little soft around the edges. This feels like the relief I've been searching for over the last year.
I recommend this strain to those who want pain relief and weed benefits without being "Stoned" and to those who want to feel more comfortable being high
After seeking a high CBD strain to combat my anxiety, I was very impressed with Harle-tsu. The first time I tried it, a couple years ago, the taste wasn't that great. I got to try it again this year and it blew my mind. Less than 1 % THC, smells and tastes like candy almost, no real psychoactivity to speak of, no couch lock and an almost instant relief of my anxiety and panic attacks. Super terpy. I can't wait to try their Ringo's Gift.