How To Conserve Your Weed?
There are many theories out there on how to conserve on your Mary Jane. We have tried them all as all of our weed keeps burning up in a series of small fires. No matter how hard we try we always run out. People will go back and forth on what’s more efficient? A joint? Or a bowl?
Well, it’s kind of a, what came first, the plant or the seed, the chicken or the egg and is the glass half empty or half full kind of question to answer but here’s what we have to say. After almost 40 years of studying this question here’s the answer.
A chicken was found laying eggs under a pot plant while smoking a joint with half a glass of water and a picture to fill it back up when it was empty. Wait that’s not the answer you were after you were looking for the best ways to conserve on your weed. Well, here you go friend. These are just our opinion and we find the best way to conserve is to make sure to have enough ganja on hand to never run out.
A stash for a rainy day is a great idea. If you’re a heavy consumer several stashes will help you prepare to not run out or herb when you forget to re-up, can’t afford to re-up, or for dreaded dry spells. Pack a bowl and take a journey with us on ways to conserve your weed.
1. Bowls are great for you and maybe another person when you are looking to conserve. Just pack one up and light the side when you hit it. Snuff it out after each hit and a bowl can last you hours while you study or work. We find that joints burn up a lot in between hits and if you should get sidetracked say working, playing a game or, chatting on social media. We all know this can happen a joint will go up in smoke! Plus your bowl saves great resin for later. It’s kind of old school dabs. It takes some work to clean but the rewards are stoney.
2. Smoke Joints with 4 or more. If you are smoking a joint with 4 or more people, the joint will pass around slow enough to give you time to hold your hit deep and not glamor hit it. Then you can breathe for a second before it makes its way back around to you. A good mix of oxygen and marijuana makes for a nice level high.
3. Gravity bongs, Water pipes, and steam rollers are great for huge hits, but they burn up your weed just like a 4 barrel Holley Quadrajet carb on a racecar burns gas. They are loud, fast, and fun to look at but cost a lot to maintain.
4. Switch up your strains of Mary Jane as smoking the same cannabis all the time can cause you to become to use to the buzz. Cycling through different types of marijuana often will help prevent a tolerance from occurring.
5. Smoke first thing in the morning aka the wake and bake to get your buzz started right. If you can hold out a few hours before each time you smoke you will notice your buzz more and it will save you green in your wallet and you sack.