Marijuana and Your Ailments: What’s the Latest Research?
These are the questions that many marijuana patients and potential MMJ patients ask—and truthfully, finding answers can sometimes be difficult. There are many, many conditions that have been linked with MMJ treatments, ranging from cancer to epilepsy, from glaucoma to PTSD. For each condition, the level of research varies: Sometimes there is a lot of science on the topic and sometimes studies have been extremely limited. On top of that, there is anecdotal evidence to sort through—stories of other patients with your condition who have tried MMJ and reported on its effects. These stories are not exactly scientific, but they are certainly worth considering.
Introducing a New AllBud Resource
So how do you sort through the latest research? How do you find out exactly what recent studies have uncovered about your condition? We’re happy to announce a new AllBud resource, which should make it easy for you to get these salient details: An entire page devoted to different ailments and medical conditions, reporting the latest marijuana research on each.
This is an expansive new section of the website. At present, we have close to 30 conditions listed—ranging from Crohn’s Disease to depression, insomnia to migraines, Parkinson’s to PMS. You can select the condition that impacts you and you’ll be taken to a page that offers a quick synopsis of what the condition is and how MMJ might affect it. More to the point, you can find links to the latest scientific articles and research—news of any recent, current, or upcoming studies concerning the condition in question and its response to marijuana treatment. You can check out our marijuana and ailments section here.
Recommended Strains
Basically: We’ve tried to do the legwork for you. We’ve combed through everything out there—and will continue to scan new articles and studies—and we’ve put together all the research that’s practical, relevant, and interesting. We hope it’s enlightening and informative.
The most helpful part of this page, though, is our selection of strain recommendations. For each condition listed, we have included information on the specific strains of marijuana that have proven most effective. If you want to see which strain of MMJ relieves the most symptoms—or which has the best chance of making a difference in your life, anyway—you can find it here.
Inherent Limitations
The brief caveat that we will offer is that medical marijuana research is always going to be fairly limited, as it remains barred at the federal level. Most studies—especially on actual human subjects—happen overseas. Nevertheless, there is always plenty to report on, and we’ll be expanding and updating this section of the site as often as is needed, reporting on the latest case studies, animal research, and beyond.
We hope it’s useful to you, and invite you to check it out today.