Tucson Dispensaries Get Good News
The Tucson City Council has agreed to make several positive changes for Tucson medical marijuana dispensaries and patients. The vote was unanimous. Tucson dispensaries have operated under stricter Tucson regulations for the past two years. Most patients and many third parties have commented on how professionally run the Tucson dispensaries operate which has minimized the “what if” concerns. By demonstrating how successfully the local dispensaries can operate, the non-profit businesses have been able to request regulation changes.
Here’s an overview of the changes:
-Cultivation facility size limit of 3,000 square feet has been lifted on Industrial Zones
-Operating Hours have been allowed to extend from 7:00AM to 10:00PM
-Approved home delivery to registered patients -Allow for infusion kitchens as an associated use of dispensaries and increases the allowed retail space for dispensaries to account for the kitchens.
With the cultivation limits lifted, Tucson dispensaries can now cultivate in larger quantities locally. Many have utilized cultivation facilities in the Phoenix area, so with local growing more local jobs will be created and money will be saved on transportation. In regards to the hour changes, Desert Bloom is one dispensary who has already extended their hours from 7AM to 10PM.
Agenda and notes from the Council Meeting can be found here.