Yeti OG is In Demand

There are plenty of reasons why this one is in such perennially high demand, starting with the fact that it just tastes good. It’s known for a rich, creamy smoke, appealing to connoisseurs and new patients alike. In addition, this is a go-to medicine for combatting high stress levels. That’s a winning combination, and reason enough to give Yeti OG a second look.
The cultivation company Loompa Farms originally bred Headband Bx and renamed it to Yeti OG. It was a cross of Headband, which has also been known as underdawg and a Northern California breed. The seeds can bedifficult to come by and expensive due to the high demand and quality of cannabis. Growers often may have a Yeti or Headband strain in the lineage of their other plants due to the quality and decent yields.
About the Strain
Yeti OG as an indica-dominant hybrid has tested upwards of 20% THC with CBD above 3%. This all points to a calming, mellowing effect—and, perhaps most noteworthy for cannabius users, to full body pain relief.
The Yeti Experience
But what’s it actually like to partake of this stuff? The first effect that people tend to notice is a very slight pressure at the top of the head—which is what initially gave it the name Headband. Another thing to keep in mind is that the effects are known for being somewhat slow-moving—so pace yourself, and be prepared to wait for a bit before you feel the high.
When you do start to feel it, though, it’s powerful—relaxing, calming, mellowing. There are strong feelings of euphoria associated with Yeti, but it’s not an energetic high; it’s very relaxed.
As for the taste, it’s a pretty fragrant, creamy flavor—with more than a hint of diesel to it, combined with a trace of lemon.
Yeti as Medicine
Given its relaxing effects, it comes as no great surprise that Yeti OG is often used as relief for stress as well as for pain. Many patients report that it’s helpful for relieving headaches and depression, too, but keep in mind that this is all anecdotal: Limitations on medical marijuana research make it difficult to pin down many clinical studies.
Even so, Yeti OG is a strain that many will find enticing, and for a variety of reasons so if you can get your hands on some, it may be worth the try.
PIcture courtesy of Instagram User: @irie_innovations