Jet FuelJet FuelJet Fuel Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 17% - 19%, CBD: 1% 1213 Favorites 4.6 4.6 113 votes| 70 reviews
Jet Fuel Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 17% - 19%, CBD: 1% 4.6 4.6 113 votes| 70 reviews 1213 Favorites
Orange DaiquiriOrange DaiquiriOrange Daiquiri Sativa Dominant , 75% Sativa/25% IndicaTHC: 22% - 24% 594 Favorites 4.1 4.1 24 votes| 1 review
Orange Daiquiri Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 75%/25% THC: 22% - 24% 4.1 4.1 24 votes| 1 review 594 Favorites
Gorilla CakeGorilla CakeGorilla Cake Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 21% 647 Favorites 4.6 4.6 22 votes| 8 reviews
SFV OGSFV OGSFV OG Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 17% - 22%, CBD: 1%, CBN: 1% 3634 Favorites 4.6 4.6 105 votes| 73 reviews
SFV OG Indica Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 17% - 22%, CBD: 1%, CBN: 1% 4.6 4.6 105 votes| 73 reviews 3634 Favorites
Northern LightsNorthern LightsNorthern Lights Indica THC: 16% - 21% 5606 Favorites 4.7 4.7 164 votes| 104 reviews
Jack HererJack HererJack Herer Sativa Dominant , 80% Sativa/20% IndicaTHC: 15% - 24%, CBN: 1% 9377 Favorites 4.6 4.6 182 votes| 117 reviews
Jack Herer Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 80%/20% THC: 15% - 24%, CBN: 1% 4.6 4.6 182 votes| 117 reviews 9377 Favorites
Alien OGAlien OGAlien OG Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 22% - 28%, CBD: 1%, CBN: 1% 1464 Favorites 4.5 4.5 59 votes| 37 reviews
Alien OG Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 22% - 28%, CBD: 1%, CBN: 1% 4.5 4.5 59 votes| 37 reviews 1464 Favorites
HoneydewHoneydewHoneydew Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 21%, CBD: 1% 98 Favorites 4.8 4.8 20 votes| 3 reviews
Pink GelatoPink GelatoPink Gelato Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 17% - 27% 486 Favorites 4.4 4.4 21 votes| 1 review
Platinum WidowPlatinum WidowPlatinum Widow Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 30% - 35% 5 Favorites 4.5 4.5 24 votes
Pink VelvetPink VelvetPink Velvet Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 30% - 38% 2 Favorites 4.5 4.5 28 votes
Crying RhinoCrying RhinoCrying Rhino Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 34% - 38% 5 Favorites 4.4 4.4 25 votes
Electric Kool AidElectric Kool AidElectric Kool Aid Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 19% - 20% 14 Favorites 4.4 4.4 28 votes| 4 reviews
Electric Kool Aid Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 60%/40% THC: 19% - 20% 4.4 4.4 28 votes| 4 reviews 14 Favorites
Bubble JackBubble JackBubble Jack Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 25% - 30% 5 Favorites 4.4 4.4 24 votes| 2 reviews
Cloudberry DrizzleCloudberry DrizzleCloudberry Drizzle Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 29% - 33%, CBD: 2% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 16 votes
Cloudberry Drizzle Indica Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 29% - 33%, CBD: 2% 4.5 4.5 16 votes0 Favorites
Blizzard of OzBlizzard of OzBlizzard of Oz Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 31% - 33% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 20 votes
Conspiracy TheoryConspiracy TheoryConspiracy Theory Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 33% - 35% 0 Favorites 4.3 4.3 18 votes
Godfather OGGodfather OGGodfather OG Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 22% - 25% 1242 Favorites 4.8 4.8 51 votes| 22 reviews
Godfather OG Indica Dominant Hybrid, 60%/40% THC: 22% - 25% 4.8 4.8 51 votes| 22 reviews 1242 Favorites
Tropic Super JetTropic Super JetTropic Super Jet Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 30% - 38% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 27 votes
Colombian GoldColombian GoldColombian Gold Sativa Dominant , 75% Sativa/25% IndicaTHC: 19% 412 Favorites 4.8 4.8 46 votes| 38 reviews
Durban PoisonDurban PoisonDurban Poison Sativa THC: 24%, CBD: 1%, CBN: 1% 5218 Favorites 4.6 4.6 175 votes| 122 reviews
TrainwreckTrainwreckTrainwreck Sativa Dominant , 80% Sativa/20% IndicaTHC: 18% - 25% 4279 Favorites 4.4 4.4 84 votes| 56 reviews
Trainwreck Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 80%/20% THC: 18% - 25% 4.4 4.4 84 votes| 56 reviews 4279 Favorites
Purple QueenPurple QueenPurple Queen Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 29% 29 Favorites 4.6 4.6 28 votes| 1 review
DolatoDolatoDolato Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 26% 340 Favorites 4.8 4.8 46 votes| 18 reviews
Power FlowerPower FlowerPower Flower Sativa Dominant , 90% Sativa/10% IndicaTHC: 19% - 25% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 26 votes
Frisian DuckFrisian DuckFrisian Duck Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 14% - 17%, CBD: 5% 7 Favorites 4.4 4.4 13 votes
CrescendoCrescendoCrescendo Sativa Dominant , 80% Sativa/20% IndicaTHC: 30% - 35% 106 Favorites 4.2 4.2 41 votes| 12 reviews
Cherry AK-47Cherry AK-47Cherry AK-47 Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 16%, CBD: 1% 330 Favorites 4.5 4.5 18 votes| 14 reviews
Cherry AK-47 Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 16%, CBD: 1% 4.5 4.5 18 votes| 14 reviews 330 Favorites
King Louie XIIIKing Louie XIIIKing Louie XIII Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 24% - 29% 493 Favorites 4.5 4.5 51 votes| 37 reviews
King Louie XIII Indica Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 24% - 29% 4.5 4.5 51 votes| 37 reviews 493 Favorites
Silver SurferSilver SurferSilver Surfer Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 26% 108 Favorites 4.3 4.3 4 votes| 3 reviews
Secret WeaponSecret WeaponSecret Weapon Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 23% - 28% 25 Favorites 4.6 4.6 30 votes| 3 reviews
Secret Weapon Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 60%/40% THC: 23% - 28% 4.6 4.6 30 votes| 3 reviews 25 Favorites
Hash BurgerHash BurgerHash Burger Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 27% 41 Favorites 4.6 4.6 35 votes| 8 reviews
Vietnamese BlackVietnamese BlackVietnamese Black Sativa THC: 24% - 25% 29 Favorites 4.6 4.6 19 votes| 1 review
Pineapple ExpressPineapple ExpressPineapple Express Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 25%, CBN: 1% 4697 Favorites 4.5 4.5 138 votes| 92 reviews
Pineapple Express Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 60%/40% THC: 25%, CBN: 1% 4.5 4.5 138 votes| 92 reviews 4697 Favorites
Lilac DieselLilac DieselLilac Diesel Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 20% - 21% 160 Favorites 4.7 4.7 43 votes| 20 reviews
Triple WhammyTriple WhammyTriple Whammy Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 17% - 18% 4 Favorites 4.6 4.6 28 votes| 1 review
Triangle KushTriangle KushTriangle Kush Indica Dominant , 85% Indica/15% SativaTHC: 20%, CBD: 1% 185 Favorites 4.5 4.5 57 votes| 20 reviews
Triangle Kush Indica Dominant Hybrid, 85%/15% THC: 20%, CBD: 1% 4.5 4.5 57 votes| 20 reviews 185 Favorites
Sherb ValleySherb ValleySherb Valley Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 20% - 22% 4 Favorites 4.2 4.2 14 votes