Whoa! Morning after write up. Whoa! They weren't lying when they said "creativity". I'm an aspiring writer that is oft aided by smoking in the latter hours of the day. Usually a toke will lend me a couple ideas to work with, my first night with this stuff gave me no fewer than 7 or 8 ideas that i jotted down. Aside from that I was as giddy as a first time smoker. No small feat and hopefully no fluke, I slept like a babe. That doesn't happen often.
Indica Dominant Hybrid - 70% Indica / 30% Sativa
THC: 34%
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Roasted Garlic Margy Reviews
Roasted Garlic Margy Reviews
Love the taste and the high. Definitely indica dominant
Directly into my top 15 strains of all time. Absolutely beautiful buds: large, mossy colored buds completely covered in fiery orange hairs. Smell is extremely pungent, with peppery garlic, and notes of citrus hitting the nostrils. The high is initially intense and more on the sativa side, but then it relaxes you into a state of absolute bliss. High lasted for quite awhile as well. I got an ounce of this beautiful bud from Verde Natural in Denver, Colorado. If you’re in the neighborhood, hit this dispensary up! You won’t be disappointed.
If I had to rename this strain I'd call it either Diet GMO or GMO-lite because that's what this strain is. It tastes, smells, and hits just like GMO, only at about 75% of the strength of GMO (along with a more noticable head buzz going on, one that feels physically racy.) If you like GMO but find it to be a bit too strong of an Indica for you, then go for this strain instead. Same effects, basically, just not quite as intense.
I would consider Roasted Garlic Margy to be GMO lite. It smells like GMO, taste like GMO, and has a similar high but everything is sort of muted or less intense then regular GMO. The body high felt like a GMO high but at 75% the intensity with a buzzy head high to go along with the super stoned body high. The high is just as lazy and couch-locky though.
Head high that manifests as a lovely feeling of peace. Having had back issues for 3+ decades I find the pain relief to be consequential and substantial. This is a strain I'd love to grow.