This is a madman! Rule #1, one hit, then see. You won't be loading the pipe up big time with this unless someone's getting married or worse. No paranoia. Smells nice too and upon the first med inhale, I was easily able to hold it it for maximum benefit. Before those unicorn tears left my lungs I was in a different place and it feels like a place of confidence where you are feeling creative and in a problem solving mode along with being detached more from yourself and being more focused on the world around you. It is a very steady long ride that simply rides into the sunset. I would say 9.5/10. I would love something like this without the high THC so it doesn't kick like a mule for 15 min or so before all the creativity kicks in. It seems to smoke with a nice aroma as well. Of course, each strain used to make this baby up are in a league of their own as well. I am a big fan of blue dream, GSC, and the Ghost as well. :)
Sativa Dominant Hybrid - 60% Sativa / 40% Indica
THC: 28% - 30%
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92 Cookies Reviews
92 Cookies Reviews
Consumption Method: PipesEffects I Feel: Calming, Creative, FocusHelp Me With: ADD/ADHD, Arthritis, PTSD
Amazing cookies strain. Hits hard and has great mood enhancing effects. Great for my ptsd and chronic pain. I keep rolling this one.
Consumption Method: JointsEffects I Feel: Euphoria, Focus, HappyHelp Me With: Chronic Pain, Gastrointestinal Disorder, PTSD
Love the uplifting happy feeling. Great taste!!!
One of the best cookies strain yet...great uplifting mood enhancing, great 😁