My favorite strain of all time. Straight to the dome. Ain't nothin' like it. Your problems no longer exist. Welcome to the clouds. They say it's good for depression and damn, they are right.
Sativa Dominant Hybrid - 70% Sativa / 30% Indica
THC: 24% - 28%
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Golden Cobra Reviews
Golden Cobra Reviews
Personally this strain is an amazing day time into early evening way to medicate. Very upbeat and euphoric strain and will bring out your creative side. I use it to fight fatigue and it makes me feel happy and aligned with thoughts, I only with I could find it year round .
I got on sale as shake, rolled a J, an blew my mind. Real nice smooth head high, with the slightest pull to the couch. definitely recommend, can only imagine what it would have been like when full bud.
Good strain, as expected. My review is for epilepsy- it's a good strain, it still gives energy in the sativa part, but the indica bits won't throw you out of whack. Smoke it in the afternoon then by the evening you'll be more relaxed.
Strong effects, kicks in quick and lasts longer than I expected. Very euphoric, music sounded so much better. Reduced stress and anxiety and lifted low mood. Flavour was mostly earthy, with a hint of fruitiness. Great strain
Beautiful sativa leaning hybrid... tasty and full of uplifting effects. Quite pleased.