Good CBD strain, useful for mixing or smoking on its own. The buzz is mild, it gave me light euphoria and a "no cares" attitude. Nice herbal taste as well.
Sativa Dominant Hybrid - 60% Sativa / 40% Indica
THC: 1%, CBD: 15%
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Ringo's Gift Reviews
Ringo's Gift Reviews
Great for anxiety and general relaxation without any sedative effects. Good CBD.
Awesome medicine!
Hey, anyone know where I can buy the seeds?
I tried Ringo's Starr this morning with about a 15% CBD to .6% THC ratio. I am recovering from laparoscopic surgery/ovary and fallopian tube removal. It is quite nice and has helped with my headache, pain, and mood although I am feeling stoned. I have not had any THC in my system for 11 months and also had to take a small amount of oxycodone last night b/c my pain was quite intense, so it's possible that this is a combination effect. Either way I am glad to have it on board as I laughed today for the first time in a while.
One of my favorite of CBD gets rid of the restless leg and back pain so I can sleep!
I have been lookIng for a perfect day pain reliever and I finally found it!!! This strain rocks!
If you want to get stoned and forget where you are, this is not for you. However, if you suffer from anxiety and need some relief... or if you want to laugh and cry all the way through Finding Dory then be perfectly able to drive home... this is exactly what you're looking for.