10 Strains Help Alleviate Pain for Patients with Arthritis

It’s all about pain. Arthritis comes in many forms and affects many parts of your body. It is an auto-immune condition marked by pain, stiffness, inflammation, and stiffness. Just ask the 53 million adults and 300,000 children suffering from one or more of the 100 forms of the problem cited by Arthritis.org.
Common forms of arthritis pain
Osteoarthritis commonly affects joints like knees and fingers where the cartilage cushion in the joints breaks down.
Rheumatoid arthritis lets the body’s immune system mistakenly attack the joints.
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis afflicts children when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s tissues.
Additional conditions include Ankylosing Spondylitis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Psoriatic Arthritis, Scleroderma, and scores of other, sometimes fatal, conditions marked my inflammation and pain.
Common treatments for arthritis pain
Standard treatments start with understanding that there is no cure. Beyond that, surgery may correct some problems. For example, knee replacement or carpal tunnel surgery prove very successful for some patients.
Brand name NSAIDs often help with minor pain and pain at early stages, but constant use can affect other bodily functions.
Arthritis diets stress foods with known anti-inflammatory agents, like broccoli, carrots, leafy greens, salmon, soy beans, sweet potatoes, trout, tuna, and many other foods featuring omega-3 anti-inflammatory benefits.
Weight loss relieves pressure on joints, but it also reduces stress on other systems and encourages rejuvenating physical exercise.
Thermal therapies seek to reduce pain with administration of heat or cold or with electrical stimulation.
Physical therapy works on exercising the joints at risk. The stretching and flexing in yoga and tai chi alson help.
Pain management usually opts for the use of opioids to repress the pain. Unfortunately, those same medications are addictive and have a diminishing benefit return.
Alternative treatment for arthritis pain
For centuries, victims of the diseases on the arthritic spectrum have self-medicated with cannabis or cannabis-derivatives. Bearing in mind that patients are seeking anti-inflammatory and pain relief, they have found real value in these strains:
- ACDC or Charlotte’s Web boast only 1% THC and 20+% CBD. This hybrid ratio produces no psychoactive effects. It treats pain and seizures without altering mood or perception. As such, it benefits patients who must work with a clear head.
- Bio-Diesel is a prize-winning 50:50 hybrid that smells of lavender and evergreen. Long in popularity, it can be short in effect. But, it does produce a pleasantly elevated high. The Sativa is potent enough to produce an upfront rush that moves into a full relaxation to reduce pain and the associated stress and depression.
- Cannatonic is another low THC hybrid (17% CBD). That means a short but mellow high that relaxes muscles, reduces pain, and treats spasms. Users report amazing pain relief without a head high – despite the catatonic implication of the name. It smells and tastes sweet, and it may be the easy way for patients to break into medical marijuana.
- Death Star, an Indica strain, has a heavy body effect that may sneak up, perfect for arthritic symptoms. Pleasant smelling and tasting, it carries a potent message. The high THC (20+%) offers a relaxed euphoria that represses chronic pain and the related stresses.
- Golden Goat tastes like honey and lemon with a whiff of coffee. The impact is mellow but potent. There’s no couch-lock here, but there is some perception distortion. It leaves a clear head and combats deep and chronic pain.
- Harlequin relaxes without sedating users. It’s Sativa dominant, but its high CBD promises a clear head and deep body relaxation. Patients use Harlequin to fight insomnia, migraines, and chronic joint and muscular pain.
- Ingrid mostly affects the body because of its strong Indica ancestry. It will put a smoker to sleep, but not without relieving pain. Arthritis pain often leads to insomnia, and that relief is worth the dry eyes. Pungent berry aroma and early potent (20 or 30 minute) buzz mellow out into deep muscular relaxation that might be too deep for first time users.
- J1 provides a Sativa-dominated lift with a clear head. A sweet smell and taste may leave users a little dizzy, but the 25% THC and very low CBD hit fast with an elevated sensory experience that settles into an enhanced mental clarity. J1 is popular among those who suffer full body arthritic conditions like Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue.
- Pennywise descends from Harlequin assuring a mild psychoactive response. It’s a 30/70 Sativa/Indica hybrid with a 12% CBD. Sweet but woody, Pennywise has rewarded those who suffer from PTSD and neurological disorders that may be related to arthritis. Users report a nice euphoria followed by strong sedation that represses pain, stress, and anxiety.
- White Berry grows as a 65/35 Indica/Sativa with high 18% THC and low 0.23% CBD. That accounts for the cerebral effects and deep sedation. It enhances focus and energy, but it relieves stress and pain. Cherry and blueberry aromas and positive effects make it a heavy favorite among medical marijuana patients.
Self-managing arthritis
Patients with arthritis will benefit from moderation in all things. They need to stay hydrated, eliminate alcohol, seek specialist assessment, diet, and exercise.
Individual patients might benefit from acupuncture, meditation, and yoga. But, when they reach a stage where they need an option to addictive and eventually damaging opioids, they can find comfort, relief, and solace in cannabis products, including marijuana, vaping, and edibles.
Using patients and doctors practicing in medical marijuana will recommend a regimen that introduces the use and benefits until they are comfortable with a favorable strain in terms of flavor, method, and effects. If arthritis has no cure, the pain can be suppressed and ignored.