When Will Connecticut Marijuana Dispensaries Be Open For Business?
It has been a long summer for Connecticut medical marijuana patients waiting to access their medical marijuana from dispensaries. Most of the six MMJ dispensaries: Prime Wellness, The Healing Corner, Thames Valley Alternative Relief, D&B; Wellness had hopes on opening in July, but all are yet to open. So what’s the hold up?
The main obstacle preventing the Connecticut dispensaries from being open is the availability of product. Connecticut’s program issued 6 dispensary licenses and 4 cultivator licenses. The cultivators, unlike many other states, had to be separate entities from the dispensaries. This creates a supply and demand issue from off the bat. Plus, the cultivators had to go through a long process of their own from raising funds to securing a location that meets the criteria under the law and program, and of course the time it actually takes in cultivating the cannabis plants.
Most of the dispensaries we have been in touch with have said they anticipate to have product and be able to open their doors to registered patients on or after September 15th, 2014. Until then, some of them are working with patients to help them register through the CT Medical Marijuana Program and get appointments set up to ensure patients are notified when product is available. Patients can also use the appointment times to learn more about the Connecticut dispensaries and better narrow down which dispensary will most meet their needs since Connecticut patients must select only one dispensary from which they can purchase medical marijuana. Check out AllBud's Connecticut Marijuana FAQ's here.
The four cultivators in Connecticut are Advanced Grow Labs, Cura Leaf, Connecticut Pharmaceutical Solutions, and Theraplant. The AllBud team reached out to some of them for comment on when product will be available and what types of product will be available and we will update this blog post.
Connecticut Patients can register for our newsletter below and be notified via e-mail from AllBud when the first dispensaries open up.